We Want to Hold a Referendum During the Presidential Primary in Texas to "Vote US Out of Iraq""Shall President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress, in support of the men and women serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, immediately end the United States occupation of Iraq and immediately begin the safe and orderly withdrawal of all United States forces?
The "Vote Us Out of Iraq" referendums would be advisory questions on the presidential primary ballots and would ask voters if they support an immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq.In Texas, we are trying to get the Texas Democratic Party to put a referendum on the March 4, 2008 ballot. The State Democratic Executive Committee can vote to put the referendum on the ballot. We also challenge the Texas Republican Party to put the referendum on their primary ballot too.Every state should hold a referendum during the presidential primaries in 2008 on whether the United States should immediately end the occupation of Iraq and bring our troops home.
In California, a bill that would put a referendum on the February 5, 2008 ballot in that state has passed the California senate. It must now pass the California Assembly and be signed by the governor of California.If you live in California, they have a website , where you can sign a petition to put the referendum on the primary ballot in California.If you live in Texas, we also have a website, www.voteUSOutofIraq.org , where you can sign a petition. Please also take a moment and email the members of the State Democratic Executive Committee and urge them to put the referendum on the ballot.Please let us know if there is an effort in your state to put a referendum on Iraq on the ballot. If there is no effort that you know of yet, then start one. Let's have referendums in as many states as possible. California Senate approves bill seeking California vote on Iraq troop exit"Once again, we are a nation at war. And once again, the people want peace," the bill's author, Sen. President Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland, told senators before the vote.He carried more than 6,000 cards and letters supporting the ballot measure to the governor's office immediately afterward. The correspondence urges the Republican governor to sign the measure.Schwarzenegger will not take a position on the legislation until it reaches his desk, spokesman Aaron McLear said. He added that the governor has been consistent in his position on Iraq."He supports the war on terror. He supports our troops in battle, and he also supports a timetable for withdrawal," McLear said.If the measure makes the ballot, California would be the first state to hold such an advisory vote.San Antonio Current article on Texas Vote US Out of Iraq CampaignThe Current says the referendum would force "candidates to address the issue that is for most voters most prescient": Should we end an unpopular war?On June 5 in Austin, the Capital Area Progressive Democrats endorsed putting a referendum on Iraq on the primary ballot. Here is a pdf of the resolution they approved.