The Infamous Kristen Nicole ♥ ™åœ°çƒ profile picture

The Infamous Kristen Nicole ♥ ™åœ°çƒ

I'm his somebody and he's mine.

About Me

.. ask I might tell you


Go ahead and add me, HOWEVER if you have some fucking retarded intentions of fucking me, or getting me to do favors for you, GET THE FUCK OUT. I don't play those games so DONT' EVEN TRY.

I am a fucking bitch to most people, especially if you are fake and quite frankly don't care if you like me or not. Life is not a goddam popularity contest. I hate almost everybody and probably don't like you. That said if I do like you I will be the nicest person you have ever ever met.
I am a make-up artist and hairdresser who does great work and I don't care how much you paid for that haircut, you need to come get it fixed by me. I am an artist and very poor so you need to buy my work Oh and the kicker of the whole shibang is that I am a singer/songwriter looking for a few good musicians to make my soul heard. Other than that, I am just a girl, a girl who tends to be just "one of the guys". I wouldn't have it any other way. I tend not to get along with girls. IF YOU ARE A GIRL WHO I DECIDE TO TRUST ENOUGH TO CALL YOU A FRIEND, BE REAL. IF YOU BETRAY ME, EVEN ONCE, I WILL REVOKE MY TRUST FROM YOU HASTILY AND YOU WILL PROBABLY NEVER GET IT BACK. I absolutely abhor sluts and whores, I have NEVER been either, and I feel that I have the right to be disgusted by those individuals who choose to be promiscuous.Please don't ever.... lie to me or be two faced. try to force your beliefs or morals on me i.e. if you are straight edge and/or vegan/vegetarian, awesome for you. However, DO NOT try to convert me, or lecture me on the way I choose to live my life. All these actions will do is really piss me off. The same goes for religous and political beliefs You are more than welcome to your own opinions but leave me out of it. Thank you hahahah I'm amused.

My Interests

MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC!! writing, recording, performing, playing shows, tatoos, piercings, hair styling, crazy makeup, cuddling and kissing, my doggy, photography, painting, sketching, frequently being vain, frequently being insecure, brass knuckles, new wave and indie clubs,laughing at dumb ass girls, time with close friends...

I'd like to meet:

yeah pretty much just him ♥
I LOVE MY FRIENDS! Life is not a popularity contest...
I'm down with making new friends and acquaintances, and I will cherish my friends more than anything. However, it is not necessary that I make new friends, so I don't care how "cool" or how "scene" you are, if I have a problem with you, or simply don't like you, you will know it. I think it is a severe waste of time to pretend to like someone that you want nothing to do with. I am truly sorry if this makes me a bitch but I am just honest and very blunt. Who knows maybe you'll get the opposite, maybe I will completely adore you.



BOOOO TO NOT HAVING CABLE! Ahhh, technology.



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My Blog


Okay so these new national ID cards that we will be forced to get within the next three years make me wonder where "national security" will end. What the hell is wrong with state issued drivers licens...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:01:00 PST

Change is in the air and I will never stop it

background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat: infinite; background-position: center; background-color:black;}--> table, td, textarea, a, body, input{background-color:black} ;border:non...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

start again

Lets start again in about a week... when the world is a different place, and we are different people, when everything has become nothing, and nothing is everything. Lets forget each others names, and ...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Its sooo horrible

When you see some one you expect to see them again.... Its so weird when you hear instead that their dead and youll never see them ever ever again.
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hello my dear Ive missed you, though weve never even met, hello my love are you true? dont fill me with regret, and if the night air passes cold, dont let me heave a sigh, instead grasp me in y...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


your lipsticks still smeared on the glass to no ones suprise your once again on your ass your words are emtpy like the glass you threw carelessly to the floor, on the floor and you scream still...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I got a doggy!!!!!! Her name is Stellah (you know like a new jack girl) shes a lab husky mix. Shes so freakin awesome! I adopted her from the Humane society of Tampa Bay... If everyone adopted an awes...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


To fall in love and not be shattered in the end.... seems impossible to endure the flame against your hand unavoidable Departure from the norm irrational perfection unnattainable satisfaction...
Posted by The Infamous Kristen Violence ♥ ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST