Winners announced!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Saturday was a great night all round...wicked bands, great audience & beautiful weather too!!!!...and when all the scores were added up from the 9th and the 15th...1 Penny Short triumphed as the overa... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 04:06:00 PST |
Adrenaline Rush - The Final!!!!!! Prizes and Sponsors |
Hello folks,Aha! ...the final is looming!Hope all the bands are well practiced...cos if the semis were anything to go by...this is gonna be a tough one to call for the judges!So...the first stage of t... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:30:00 PST |
Prizes, Sponsors and Partners |
The Adrenaline Rush Team would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors and partners and remind everyone what the prizes are!!PLAY A GIG AT ROCKINGHAM SPEEDWAY!!Apart from all the expos... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:41:00 PST |
The Final Six!!!! |
What a day we had yesterday!!!!It was awesome! The bands all raised their game and when it came to the final scores it was literally as close as that big fat sweaty guy's armpit on the bus in the morn... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:42:00 PST |
What a week!!!! |
Well.... What can i say? This week has been mental! So first we had a venue and everyone was promoting it and I was feeling pretty smug and thinking that I was going to be able to work on something th... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:15:00 PST |
The Semi finalists!!!!! |
Here it is.... The information you all want to know... which bands will be battling it out on sunday 22nd at Wicksteed park?!In the order of play...Starting at 3:30 with-NightbladeDeception PointThe S... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:14:00 PST |
Tech spec for bands |
Hi y'all,Some of you have been asking what equipment we will have. so here is a list of what we think is being provided by Peavey.The only thing we are down is mic stands... does anyone have these the... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 02:00:00 PST |
Check out the competition..... who's your favourite to win? |
Yes...the time has come for battle axes at the ready! will need passport or photo driving license ID to get a wristband that allows you to buy alcoholic drinks as this is a 14+ gigHeat 1... Posted by Adrenaline Rush- Battle of the Bands on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:59:00 PST |