WARNING!!!!! THIS SITE CONTAINS MATERIAL OF AN EXPLICIT AND VIOLENT NATURE!!!! If you are easily offended or don't like horror, murder, death, gore, rape and crime themes please respectfully click out of this page now! DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER!!!!The artists and producers of the music, lyrics and art on this site would like you to know that the content herein is not designed to degrade women/people and do not encourage nor condone abusive behavior or real-life violence against anyone!!!!All music, lyrics, video, artwork and pictures are simulated stories based on serial killers and real-life events/crimes, FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!!!DR.DOCTOR AND THE PRODUCERS OF THIS SITE AND ITS CONTENT ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PERSON WHO SUFFERS SIDE EFFECTS AFTER BEING EXPOSED TO IT!!!!YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!The background image is an original Chelsea Smile design.
Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.Covered In Blood
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