beach, bikes, bongs, beer, cars, girls, peircings, tats, hardcore, metal, video games, beer pong, fuck the dealer, asshole, circle of death, porn, hockey, football, and a bunch of other crap. . .who cares
You are a happy drunk
When you are drunk, nothing gets you down. You are friendly with everyone, and probably get free drinks all the time because you are so nice to everyone.
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you are!
I scored a 95% on the "how fucking JERSEY are you?" Quizie! What about you?
ummm. . . .to bad mastashake is a fuckin least to sum... any kool people...i usually get along wit everyone
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?
fukin E-Town and if u dont know who that is...shit u better ask sumbody, shattered realm, killswitch engage, lamb of god, sworn enemy, evergreen terrace, between the buried and me, as i lay dying, unearth, hatebreed, slayer, pantera, ill nino, terror, 18 visions, everytime i die, life of agony, dead to fall, six feet under, dying fetus, caliban, martyr AD, bleeding through, 7 angels 7 plagues, dead to fall, the judas cradle, remembering never, bury your dead, dillinger escape plan, killing theory, age of ruin, 2pac, nas, on broken wings, the red chord, eyehategod, converge, until the end, trivium, snoop, a life once lost, your blood my honor, poison the well
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scarface, pulp fiction, super troopers, jay and silent bob, alice in wonder land(cause we all know what thats about), willy wonka and the chocolate factory, black hawk down, dazed and confused, the wall, billy madison, happy gilmore and i have no clue anymore
futurama, aqua teen hunger force, simpsons, basicly anything on comedy central or cartoon network
mastershake. . .muthafucka