spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast,man of mystery profile picture

spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast,man of mystery

This Profile Exists

About Me

All photos by spacemanfromthefuture unless otherwise noted. Photo below Flat Iron building, NYC August 2007

This is an Endicott Johnson early 30's. My Grandmother is third in from the right in the second row.
Photo below- left is my Dad, center is his half brother Donnie rockin' the cuffs, on the right Donnie's wife Gerrie. Early 50's

Great Grandmother Gaetana Maggio and my Uncle Min(Cosmo)Maggio. on Hudson Street in Johnson City New York, 1940's.

Uncle Vincenzo. also on Hudson Street, 1940's

My Interests

The final page is written in the books of history, As man unleashed his deadly bombs and sent troops overseas. To fight a war which can't be won and kills the human race, A show of greed and ignorance, man's quest for dominance.
They say when a mistake is made, a lesson has been learned. But this time, there's no second chance, the hate engulfs the world. A million lives are lost each day, a city slowly burns, A mother holds her dying child, but no one is concerned!

I'd like to meet:

fellow time travelers

Broadway 10/27/07
MyGen Profile Generator


Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Sun era Elvis, Bill Haley and his comets, Sid Turner, The Carter Family, Sun era Roy Orbison, Carl Mann, Stiffs, Inc., O'Death, Skeletonbreath, KISSKISS, Th' Legendary Shack*Shakers, Gogol Bordello, Reverend Horton Heat, Chatham County Line, Bill Monroe, Matisyahu, Op Ivy, Minor Threat,whatever else i feel like .

(above)Melora, John, Th' Col J.D., and Teen Beat photos by me...


Magdeline Sisters, Rope, Rear Window, The Crowd, Diary of a Lost Girl, The Pianist, Metropolis, M, North By Northwest, Rebel Without a Cause, ect..




Everything Is Illuminated


Alfred Steiglitz, Bob Shaw, Lee Miller, Jerry Collins

My Blog

i'm suing the grocery store

i decided after reading an article in the paper about some girl suing myspace over the lack of protection provided by the site against creepy people, that i am going to sue all of the grocery stores i...
Posted by spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 04:26:00 PST

R.I.P. Kurt Vonnegut

Posted by spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 04:11:00 PST

Johnny Cash's Hendersonville house burns to the ground...saving sanctity

       this is what you get when the maker of some of the absolute worst music in the history of mankind buys the home of the most talented musician in the history of mankind....
Posted by spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 02:42:00 PST


Posted by spacemanfromthefuture...fromthepast on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:02:00 PST