Le Caffelons profile picture

Le Caffelons

impatience has fixed my computer--:)

About Me

May 07 Breannathus spores were formed in my back pack making " le Caffelons" which if you look mildy to the center will find the subliminal messages meaning that we are caffeteria felons which is to say that we endorse taking tomatoes and lettuce if ever you are hungry and no one else is gonna eat'em....
this music was made last night kinda spontaneously and improvised..recorded on an mp3 player pretty much only the first takes..so uh yeah..viva la val kilmer...and get your boogie on...
Michelle: in translation....we are poor, pathetic students who must steal from the condements table in the cafeteria, making us caf felons or "le caffelons" because we are the coolest people alive. Do not throw things at us or we will find you and do very terrible things to you.
The music that you will find above this crazy rambling bio was made in a couple of hours after spontaneously using a stack of lyrics I wrote and Breeeeee's wonderful voice/guitar talent.
~~~In the FUTURE....we will actually practise these and record them on something other than a crappy scratched up mp3 player that only works out of one head phone. Maybe michelle will do a little singing and we'll get some other members of our swingin posse to join in our awesomeness. k? cool.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/6/2007
Band Members: us ....
Michelle's Art
and if you would like a very rough copy of our music you can have it free just message us...
Bob Dylan
Elvis Perkins
Animal Collective
The Band
Andrew Bird
Eric Bachmann
Bright Eyes
Broken Social Scene
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Neil Young
Gordon Lightfoot
A Perfect Circle
Regina Spektor
Olle Nyman
Matthew Kaner
Bruce Knauer
Jacob Stultz
Tyler Rivenbark
Peru Ana /Ana Peru
Sounds Like: M.Roy
Record Label: www.myspace.com/wawcrecords
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Michelles Website

And now for a little shameless self promotion by Michelle.... Breanna usually handles all the corrispondence and myspace management for our little musical project here, but I thought I'd do something ...
Posted by Le Caffelons on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:49:00 PST

Kick Ass Friends/Photographers

We consider "Le Caffelons" to be a spotaneous perfomance art collective and we would like to give a most deserved shout out to our friends Stephen Crocker& Amanda Santos:very creative and tal...
Posted by Le Caffelons on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:27:00 PST


~~UPDATTTTTTTE...AUG 14 07....~~ its been awhile since we let anyone know what we're up to. We have been practising a lot and writing a lot and we have more songs, but due to technical, circumstancia...
Posted by Le Caffelons on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:15:00 PST