Juls profile picture


I dont' need love... Love needs me!

About Me

I’m the girl that you seem to see in the middle of the dance floor even if no one else is dancing, holding a glass of sweet Pinto Noir. Mmmm wine! I surround my self around people with great energy, vibrant personalities; success in their minds, thriving to rule the world, knowing that having anything you want is in the palm of your hands, living everyday as it’s their last because that’s exactly what I do. I grew up being ridiculed by my fellow student thinking that the world was against me and I was here to be miserable, because that’s how I was treated by everyone around me. I was taught to get a good job, a great education, marry and have children. Living on my own, traveling and educating my self beyond school has made me the woman I am today. Now, I’m one of the few people in this world that can’t count all their closest friends on both hands and feet. People tell me that I can’t stay in one place too long before getting too antsy. I’m in one place one minute then somewhere else the other minute. I love all animals, (not just to eat) since I attend to be one ever so often. My cat Houdini can vouch for that one. I’m a professional Massage Practitioner that is dedicated to the healing arts, balancing and meditation for me and my clients. I have other professions that I apply to my everyday life style. When I die I hope to come back to this world as me. I live to love, enjoy, celebrate, learn, nurture and understand everything and one around me.
.." img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y127/juliabindi/100200 24.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"I’m a 24 year old student, with two jobs just trying to make a living. I love to dance, sing, chill out and travel. I love life and people. Have a kitten named Houdini. I named him Houdini for reasons too long to explain. I drive fast and love it. If you’re in the passenger seat I feel sorry for you. I treasure, respect, take care of, spoil and love my friends and family. I'm just like a cat spoil me with affection and I will continue to come home for my milk. I like learning new things, so if you think I will enjoy what's in your head share away, I will listen unless you start to jabber on about BS. People say that you treat the people you love the worse. If that's true then I don't love anyone. I believe to learn as many languages as possible (at least one word) to show respect and courtesy to people around us. I dislike people who have a pet and never take care of the poor thing. If you dislike your job don’t quit the one you have until you find another one. I still like the scratch and sniff stickers, the cigarette bubble gum from the ice cream man and cry-babies. I don’t like to cook but I will if I think you’re special. I love to eat and if you ever take me out to eat I go for the baby back ribs, BBQ chicken, halibut, and will still have my cheese cake. I believe if the girl offers to pay let her pay, especially if she eats like me. If you want to show someone you care about them, tell them. Flowers die, teddy bears end up in the closet or at goodwill, cards get lost and cause clutter, but words last forever! Learn how to love your self before wanting love from another. If you see someone attractive approach them. If you don’t then someone else will. The answer will always be no until you ask.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Someone who's: not a pervert, can make me laugh, loves their wine when they dine, and cares about peoples feelings, who can have a real plant in their house with out it dying, willing to listen and willing to talk, is educated beyond school, has an education in school, has pro-bono experience (even if it has to do with helping an old lady put her groceries in her car), likes animals (not just to eat), willing to take care of a friend when their sick, has a friend of the opposite sex, loves to dance even if they dont know how to, can take a joke, mature, immature, lives everyday like its their last day to live, doesn't abuse the word "LOVE", not fake, doesn't always have something perverted to say, enjoys the arts, is human, has a nose, mouth, ears, legs, and knows how to use their smile. I'm here looking for down to earth people, friends, respectable people, good nature. Nothing more nothing less.


Kill bill, Pearl Harbor, Gooiness, Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings collection, God Father, Scar Face, Donnie Darko, Interview with the Vampire, Man on Fire, 6th Sence, Casablanca, Brave Heart, Pulp Fiction, Vanilla Sky, The craft, Fight Club, Kings Of Comedy, Queens of Comedy, I’ll add more when I have time…


If and when I do watch TV it would be Smallvill, Sopranos, thundercats, Days of our lives, MTV shows like Pimp my Ride, Desperate House wives, Entourage I'll add more later....


Williams S. Burrows (naked Lunch), From Chocolate to Heroin, Secrets of Love, The Da Vinci Code, How to win friends and influence people, The Aladen Factor, Rich dad poor dad, The automatic Millionaire, HOw to talk to a liberal if you must,Donald Trump The way to the Top, The 7 habits of Highly Effective People,

My Blog

105 Things You Might Not Have Known About Me

1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RING? Yes and no& long story2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? 1 1/2years3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED?  A pair of vibrating slippers from Cher because her friends dog ate my f...
Posted by Juls on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:02:00 PST


Pocahauntus' movie teaser is out. Check it out to see me in the movie Pocahauntus. http://films.thelot.com/films/19528 xoxoxoo Juls...
Posted by Juls on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:05:00 PST

This is the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me!!!

Nate started off as just a room mate that lived with me in San Diego. When I interviewed him to live with me I knew we would mesh very well together. Little did I know that we did more than mesh, Nate...
Posted by Juls on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:02:00 PST

The move to Monterey

Life goes in so many directions. It's amazing who sticks around for it. My move to monterey has been an eye opener for me. I thought I knew the people I surround my self around but being down here the...
Posted by Juls on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 06:21:00 PST

Vote for Pedro!!! Ok vote for me!~

Ok everyone... help me obtain my dream job by voting me a 10! Go to...                Or click my face" target=_self>Vote Thanks sooo much!...
Posted by Juls on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:56:00 PST

Random photos

Posted by Juls on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 05:36:00 PST

How well do you know Juls?

Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!" target="_self">How well do you know juls?...
Posted by Juls on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 02:45:00 PST

People that I am missing

There are so many meanings of Friends... But this word means so many things to different people. Some people abuse this word like a curse word. Let see how many categories we can think of with the "fr...
Posted by Juls on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

How to say I love you in 100 different languages! Enjoy

English - I Love You Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief Albanian - Te dua Arabic - Ana behibak (to male) Arabic - Ana behibek (to female) Armenian - Yes kez sirumen Bambara - M'bi fe Bangla - Aa...
Posted by Juls on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I am a 80's toy! Which one are you?

You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative,artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilizea single muscle group in order to have fun.Doesn't matter though, you're still cool. What childhood toy fro...
Posted by Juls on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST