No Matter How Low The Flame
You Still Get Burned
Dream like you'll live forever, but live like you'll die today.
Just because your world has been put on hold does not mean mine has been stopped too. I am forever changing and learning. You decide if you want to be apart of me or not.
Soulmate: Is someone with like interests and beliefs as mine. A person who shares and understands my spirit, energy, and wouldn't mind spending the rest of thier life with me. Whether it be as a friend or companion.
Someone who will:
Let me to play with their hair. Want to give me flowers often because it makes me so very happy. Come sailing with me.Walk slowly with me in the rain, Sweep me off my feet,
Join my dream, Hand write me a letter and send it, Play the guitar on the beach as we watch the moon/sunrise or the moon/sunset, have a perfect day with me,
Ask me out on a date even though we have been out many times together,
Watch clouds float by and discuss what different objects they look like, Ask to read what I have written, Be my conciousness, Be my partner in crime,
Have a philosophical conversation concerning life with me,
Try something and THEN say they if they do or do not like it instead of not trying it for the first (or) second time, Travel around the world with me,
Take charge,
Call me just to hear my voice,
Sing music with me and make up new songs,
Bring happiness everywhere we go together, Hold my hand, Lay down with me just to cuddle, take care of me when I am sick,
Make me laugh, Suprise me, Play games with me, Make me blush, Be my best friend, Love me and my quirks, Rescue me even when I do not want or need help, Take the time to fall in love with me,
Inspire me...
Be conscious about your choices, and responsible for your actions.
My favorite musician/singer is Chris Burns . Check him out sometime... This is his new song. Someone caught him on an open mic night..
Tales of the Witch World, Fight Club, Ethnic America, Emmanuel's Book The four agreements
InuYasha, Superman,Pegasus, Nectar D..Ambrosia (Angelicwings), God, Juls, Mom and Dad