CB profile picture


I deserve to be on the f*ing floor right now 'cause that's the kinda day I've had! - Troy Drayton

About Me

I had to move all my pictures.
They are now located in my blog...
Take a peek!

I ♥ pictures!
I love taking, being in, and looking at pictures.
I think I have the worst memory of all time, so pictures capture the moment forever.
Have a look in the blogs above and to take a peek at the "life of me!"
For all my Dolphin fans, check out my Halloween costume.

Compliments of Rick Frechman/Redd Room Studios.
Cool Slideshows
Rick and Jay can work some miracles. Can you two just stick with me 24/7?
Go Lakers!!! Go Dolphins!!!
My 1 true celebrity obsessions! Started in 8th grade and still going strong!
I was born and raised in So Cal. In high school, my parents thought it would be a good idea to uproot the fam and move to the east coast. So they settled in the middle of no where in Hughesville, MD. I, for obvious reasons, decided that sticking around there was out of the question. After graduating from H.S. I packed up my things and moved down to South Florida. I attended PBA and graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in December of '04. I am currently working on my Master's Degree at Nova. I finally made the big move down to Miami in September. I am living in Sunny Isles Beach and am totally excited about my "new" life. I work constantly, but that's ok, because I love what I do. My free time is spent hanging out with friends or catching a show at one of the local comedy clubs. I can usually be found there at least one night a week. If I am not watching my girl Julie Kick doing her thing up onstage, I am checking out one of my other good comedian friends. How could life not be entertaining when I am constantly surrounded by comedians? My friend Al (who thinks he is a comedian) continues to show me that it is important not to take myself or life quite so seriously. Every once in a while you just have to laugh at the stupid stuff you do. That's easy for him to say as he is constantly laughing at my expense!
"You don't play the game to be mediocre or average, you play to be the best." - Troy Drayton[Sidenote, per Troy: "He didn't tackle me by the way." See picture above.]

Hosted at MySpaceNow.com

Myspace Contact Tables Lyrics

My Interests

My Family and Friends, LA LAKERS, Music, Dancing, Shopping, Movies, MIA DOLPHINS, Being Involved in Deep and Mentally Stimulating Conversations, Becoming More Educated, Bettering Myself, Connecting With Others, Creating Memories, Growing as an Individual, Living Life to the Fullest, Having NO Regrets, COMEDY, Laughing Until My Sides Hurt, Helping Others, Psychiatry, The Human Mind


I'd like to meet:



I like almost everything. My iPod is filled with an eclectic assortment of tunes. I am a huge Hip/Hop and R&B fan, although anything except country will do. Country makes my head hurt! Unless it is my good friend Charlie Riley. That voice has sung me to sleep on many a nights!


I like so many different movies...its hard to pick just one. How about genres? Suspense, Psychological Thrillers, Action/Adventure, Mystery, Drama, Romance, and the Occasional Chick Flick. Ok, I think I just named every type of movie out there. As Nery quickly helped me to discover, I am not very good with the definition of favorite. So unless you want a random list of every movie I have seen, don't ask for my favorite!


I am an avid reader, however, I don't think I could pick an absolute favorite!


My little brother Todd. He's been through some rough times and some struggles, but he is doing what he has to do to make things right again. I think he is a very brave individual and has demonstrated his courage on many levels. He is also one of those of kind of people that you know will always be there for you. He doesn't always think so, but he is an amazing person. Todd has more patience with my youngest brother than I ever had with him. He treats Garrett better and takes better care of him than I ever could have hoped to at that age. He is truly gifted and a blessing in my life. Oh yeah, and he can do a back tuck on a wakeboard! I love you Todd!!!

My Blog

Out on the Town 11/25/06

Playtime! ...
Posted by Michele on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:49:00 PST

Thanksgiving '06 Pics

Posted by Michele on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:27:00 PST

Talls and Smalls

Me and the best roommate ever... I love my Sara! We've built so many memories and stood together through the storms. Who could ever forget... Spring Break in Costa Rica... a 12 hour road trip endi...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:29:00 PST

The Twins and other Parrot Jungle Friends

I ♥ these girls. They offer a peace that can't be matched. [They also produce bruises like none other!] I am so lucky to have the opportunity to spend time with them & to be loved by them. G...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:37:00 PST

[Belated] Halloween Party! (Dolphin Pics)

Check out my Halloween costume for 2006. Mad ♥ to Fred G for letting me steal his jersey. ®19 Boy will never look at it the same! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:05:00 PST

Hollie & Daniel's Wedding

My high school BFF married her boyfriend of 5 years. Crazy stuff! Enjoy the wedding pics! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:48:00 PST


Pictures of me... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow...
Posted by Michele on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:28:00 PST