Don't Add Me If You Don't Plan On Talking To Me!!!
ok now we got that outta the way ...i am not a slut i am beautiful,
i am not a liar i am honest,
i am not fat i am bigger,
i am not smelly i bathe,
i am not a clown i am a lette,
i am not a kid i am grown,
i am not a bum i go to school,
i am not a failure i have a job,
i am what i want to be an do what i want to do... i just thought y'all should know that
So I realized lifes to short, and you will find love where its least expected. life throws the most unexpected shit at you and you gatta be ready for it. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON... break ups, break downs, even getting lost on an open country road. Life is that road and you'll never know where your ganna end up. I am also a firm believer that everyone is entitled to an opinion and free choice but...just because you'll do it doesn't mean i'll do it or agree with it but it's you not me!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !