I can find amusement in just about anything. (except Christian Rock...I HATE that shit...) Seriously. From Ren. Fests to concerts, to art shows to camping. I'm pretty freaking easy going and always looking for something interesting to do. I really enjoy art, theatre, film, traveling, history, politics, wine and being social. I like meeting new people...a lot.
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com
Crappy pop:) WE're talking classic to modern. Madonna, to Britney (Madonna again) to The Pussycat Dolls. LOVE IT! Also like Jack Johnson, David Gray, Will Hoge, Modest Mouse...I like all sorts of music. Except the Christian Rock thing...did I mention that?Did I mention the Christian rock thing?
Gone with the Wind, Pride & Predjudice, Gia, Wedding Crashers, West Side Story, Patton, The Fog of War, Band of Brothers, Hunt for Red October, Clueless, Vanity Fair, The Girl with the Pearl Earing, Anchorman, Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Colbert Report and the Daily Show are my two "cannot miss" shows. I'm a news junkie. I check out any and all news from the BBC to FOX. Hell, I'll even tune into Sports Center during football season...(Who freakin Dey:) Oh yeah...and Mad TV makes me VERY happy.
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The Kalevala, Queen, Screwtape Letters, MacBeth, Midsummer's Night Dream, Wicked, Lord of the Rings (and ALL other Tolkien), Pride and Predjudice, Jane Eyre, Women, ANY A.R Gurney (espeially The Problem), Tiger Eyes, The Once and Future King
Definately my parents and all of the wonderful women in my life who are beautiful and strong everyday!