AIM - LukeSNL20
Basically anyone from my childhood. The old GBCS classes.A.W., who we all thought was rich because he had a Nintendo. Sean Bowers, my best friend in the 2nd grade who I made up karate moves with. Sarah Licurgo from Kindergarten who was my first girlfriend. She showed me hers and I showed her mine. I promise it was special for me too. Stacey Lincoln who had glasses but I bet is really hot now. Ashley Walker Jones who was the fastest 3rd grader of all time. Steven and Philip, the twins from 5th grade that made the class rejoice when they left. Sherwood Byers who I kicked in the nuts when he threw my soccer ball over the fence. Michael Kelly who always looked pale and drugged out - 2nd grade. Miss Belsley who read me narnia every day. I'd also like to meet whoever has my original Kindergarten nap mat. Any of the fat kids who were ranked last on the "most popular boy/most popular girl list" - Im sorry about that. Josh Dixon, my best friend from elementary school who stuck with me even when I wore the giant starter jacket with little umbro shorts and had that ridiculous bowl cut. Rachel Hornickel who kissed me in the 2nd grade and caused me to pull her pants down and run away, Im sorry. Micah Jones, just for having my back. Kelly Muscolino, my 4th grade girlfriend. It was fun while it lasted.Anyone else who shared in my life, yet I havent talked to in years, I miss you. Terribly.
Currently listening to Stars, Tegan and Sara, The Raconteurs, and The Flobots.
Go see Wall-E. And find a good documentary.
HBO. The Discovery Channel. TLC.
The Alchemist, Fight Club, Kite Runner, Ishmael, Ender's Game, Everything Must Change : Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope, The Perk's of Being a Wallflower, The Sinners Guide to the Evangelical Right, The Beach, Sex God, The Barbarian Way, How Soccer Explains the World, The Little Black Book of Vegas, Blue Like Jazz, The Tesseract, Where the Sidewalk Ends, The Poisonwood Bible, Any "For Dummies" book, and soft core porn.
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