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About Me

m£... sO mUch tHinGs tO say loOol... So IaM fr£ncH bUt Iam aLsO fROm mAdAgAsCaR, tHat..S whY yOu cAn SeE ThAt I..vE gOt a BeAuTiFuL BlAcK SKin (HiHiHi...) sO IaM a mIx Of AfRo-aSiaTiK, sO EnGlish peOplE aNd oThEr iF yOu liKe tHE fReNcH aCceNt pLeAsE lEaVe yOuR pHoNe NuMbEr (LoL...nEvEr kNoW WiTh Me...)IaM vErY fAciNaTed bY tHe fAsHiOn wOrld bUt mOrE bY tHeSe wOnDeRfUl dEsiGnErs LiKe DolcE aNd gAbBanA (my fAvOrItE!!!), GuEsS (LoVe iT), GuCci (I bOugHt The bOok I lOvE The sHoEs), ChAnEl, lUiS vItToN, DiOr aLl tHe lUxUriOus FrEnCh BrANdS... ELe I aLsO eNjOy gOinG ShOpPiNg aLoNe Or wItH mY fRiEnDs, I lIkE tO HaVe A Lot Of FuN (aLl kInd OF fUn..)I lIke nAsTy pArTiEs, DrInK bUt dRiNk gOod qUalItiEs; I LoVe Red WinE, WhiTe oR MiLk cHocOlAtE, sNiKeRs, Kit-Kat, MaRs lol....
Your Attitude is Better than 55% of the Population
You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones. How's Your Attitude?
You are a Mild Mama
You don't have to be screaming at the top of your lungs to have a good time
You rather chill, soak in the moment, and appreciate life for what it is
Guys appreciate your "take life as it comes" approach...
(Though they wouldn't mind if you got a little wild from time to time!) Are You a Daring Woman?
You Are a Bad Girl
You are 30% Good and 70% Bad
You're a total bad girl, from your wild hair to tattooed toes.
But you're too badass to even care if you're labeled "bad"! Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
Your Life is 82% Perfect
You truly have the perfect life. And you probably feel like the luckiest person in the world.
You have a great career, family, and personal life. You have it going on! How Perfect is Your Life?

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You Are Super Spicy
You're a little bit crazy, a little bit naughty, and a whole lot of sexy.
You go beyond hot - you set people's senses on fire! Are You Hot?
You Are 84% Girly
When the term "girly girl" was invented, they were thinking of someone like you.
You're a feminine and sweet and very high maintenance. But you're worth it! How Girly Are You? .. ..

My Interests

I LiKe tHe FaShiOn, GoOd mUsic, gOod lOokiNg gUys, bOtTLes of gOod WiNes, iNtErEsTiNg PeOpLe, hOrSe-RidInG...

I'd like to meet:

errr... mY lIst iS gOinG tO bE vErY lOng: FiRsT Of ALl sTyLish PeOpLe Like StEfAnO GaBbAnA aNd DolCe... My DrEaM wOUld Be To WoRk fOr ThEm dUrinG tHe sHOw tImE (I dOn..t WaNt tO bE a mOdEl bUt I wOuLd WoRk iN tHe bAcKgRoUnD, mAKe Up eTc... eSpEcIalLy fOr mEn lol)SeCoNdAlY mY PrInCe cHarmIng Lool nO IaM jUsT KidDing I dO nOt bEliEvE iN tHeSe (bUt nEvEr kNow...) MaTt Di AnGeLo iS nOt a bAd lOokiNg (nOt yEt!!!)I thInK I wOuLdn..T mInd tO meEt hIm...sEe mOrE lOl OoOoOopS I sHoUldN..T fOrGeT tHe Man wHO iS iN eVeRy Of My ThOuGhT... cRisTiAnO rOnAlDO, he Is a GoOg lOOkiNdG gUy xxx


I lOvE hOuSe MuSIc, elEcTro, DaViD VeNdEtTa, DaVid GuEtTa, MIKA, BoB SiNcLar, tOm SawYeR, BenNy BenNassy, ShAnNa, bOdYrOcKeRs, DafT PunK, DriLL, mYlO aNd a lOt oF tHeM bUt aLsO I LiKe R..n..B, BeYoNcE, KeLly RoWLaNd, Mr...TiMbALAnd, JuStiN TiMbErLaKe, AkOn, 50cEnt, AmEriE, aShAnti, BrAndY, BuSta fLeX, MatT, cAsSie, RiHaNna, ChRis BrOwn, Ne-yO, CrAig DaVid, DIaMS, IAM, jA rUlE, JaDaKiSs, MaRiAh CArEy, KeYshiA CoLe/P.DIdDy, LiL'Jon, uShER, sNOop DOg, LoRd KosSiTY, mAriO, Mya, EvE, N.E.R.D, NeLlY fUrTaDO, PhArElL WiLliAmS, R KeLly... AeRoSmiTh, BiLl WhiThErs, LenNy KrAviTz, JoHn LeNnoN, JoHn LegEnd, JaMie fOxx, cHriStoPhe mAe, PasCaL ObiSpo, FatAL BazOOka (lol), LinKinG pArK, MuSe, PhiLip GlAss, PoW Wow...


SCarFaCE, Ali G inDaHOuSe, sTar WarS, AmeLie PouLain, DobErman, MOntY PytHoN, OcEaN 11, 12


GrEen Wings, pLuS bElLe lA vIe (My fAvOriTe SoaP seRiES In tHE wHoLe WoRld...), tHe YoUng aNd ResTlEss (lA vRaI vErsiOn DeS fEux De l'aMouR), 8 rUlEs, JorDaNe

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wElL, I wIlL sAY ThAt I sHouLd ReAd mOrE, tHe lAsT BoOK tHaT I rEad WaS MeMoRiEs Of a gAeShA xXx OtHeRwiSe I aM rEaDing a Lot Of mAgAziNs, dOes tHiS cOnT...???!!! lol xXxYour results:


xXx ViCtOrIa bEcKhAm fOr The hUsBaNd aNd tHe sTyLe xXx xXx CriStIanO rOnaLdO fOr tHe Be tHe BeSt iN tHe cOmPeTiTiOn xXx xXx GuStaVe fOr HiS gOod CoOkiNg (...) xXx xXx LaUriTa fOr HeR nAtUrAl bEauTy xXx xXx mY ZiNk fOr wHat sHe iS...tHE BeSt xXx

My Blog

Xmas and boys

I am wondering why men can not deal with christmas?? maybe they are thinking that what we want is that they buy a very expensive present for christmas or at least something that it is going to satisf...
Posted by isabelle on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 02:48:00 PST


What are the symptoms?As with many mental health problems, there are a number of symptoms of depression and it's very rare for all of them to occur in one person. They include feeling generally misera...
Posted by isabelle on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:34:00 PST