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Dwayn3 G

Dwayn3 G...addicted 2 Mu5ik

About Me

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____________________________________________________________ ________BIO: Proviniendo de la 2ª generación de una familia de músicos y desde los 13 años, este melómano, joven Barcelonés se ha dedicado a investigar, profundizar y culturizar sus sesiones. Empezando en 1988 en “Garbí Playa Club” bajo la atenta dirección de sus padres (Propietarios y directores de clubs) muestra sus gustos musicales en los estilos que más reflejan su personalidad: Old School, Funk, Hip Hop, Acid Jazz y el Acid House. Desde entonces hasta ahora P.Gonzalez a.k.a “Dwayne” ha sabido mantenerse en 1ª linea durante más de 18 años de profesión pasando por los mejores clubs de la ciudad condal, así mismo como trabajando en fiestas para algunos nombres tan conocidos como: Hard Rock Café, Frederic Homs, Levi´s, Dutch, Forum BCN Life Parade, Miss Sixty o el Barcelona Love Parade ´01 donde realizó su set para más de 70.000 personas. Ha compartido cartel con DJ´S del prestigio de Dave Seaman, Cesar de Melero, Sideral, Funk D'void, Crispin Sommerville, Dj Oliver, Dj Pippi y Wally Lopez Considerado como uno de los dj´s más completos de la escena Barcelonesa, decide participar con varios productores y artistas Co-produciendo varios vinilos, que más tarde editarán David Gausa (Selección Basica vol. 1) o la conocida sala “Ministry of sound” (Ministry of Sound The Nightlife) con más de 30.000 copias vendidas en sendos recopilatorios. Actualmente dirije junto a J.Bass el subsello ”Elite Groove/Elite Rec.”. También recordaremos su paso como colaborador del programa “Swing Flaix “de la emisora Flaix F.M, donde un año más tarde una oferta tentadora lo catapulta a tener, junto a Dani Moreno, su propio programa de música House “Fes-te Pols”en la emisora lider nacional 40 principales, siendo lideres de audiencia en su franja horaria durante 2 años. En sus sesiones sabe como complacer al público más “Clubber” llevando siempre una harmonia con la sala y el tipo de público disponiendo de los estilos que en su maleta, pueden ser : Deep House , Balearic Beats, Classics House, Minimal & Electronic tendences. La razón de siempre buenas criticas hacia sus sesiones es simple... Toda una vida de devoción por la música.ENGLISH: Native of Barcelona, from 1988 and at the young age of 13 years, begins his musical adventure specializing in the musical tendencies that more were reflecting his personal pleasures: the Acid-House, Old School Funk and the AcidJazz. Since then,until now P. Gonzalez aka "Dwayne" has been able to stay in 1 st line for more than 18 years of occupation through the best clubs in the city, as well as working on the same events for some familiar names such as: Hard Rock Cafe , Frederic Homs, Levi's, Dutch, Forum BCN Life Parade, Miss Sixty or Barcelona Love Parade'01 where he carried out his set to more than 70,000 people. Dwayne shared cartel with Dj's of high prestige as Dave Seaman, Cesar de Melero, Sideral, Funk D'void, Crispin Sommerville, Dj Oliver, Dj Pippi, Wally Lopez and many more, of which it has taken his gig´s as an example.Considered as one of the most finished dj's of the City, he decides to take part with several producers and artists producing several songs, which later will edit names as well-known as David Gausa (Basic Selection vol 1) or the acquaintance it salts " Ministry of sound " (Ministry of Sound The Nightlife) with more than 30.000 copies sold in both compilations. At present works along with J.Bass the substamp " Elite Groove/Elite Rec. ". Also we will remember his step as DJ of the program " Swing Flaix " of the broadcasting station Flaix F.M, one year later one a tantalizing offer catapults it to have along with Dani Moreno its own program of House music, " Fes --te Pols " in the broadcasting station 40 principales being leaders of hearing in his hourly stripe for 2 years. Deejay, artist, producer and promoter Dwayne has demonstrated in his gig´s, that it is capable of satisfying the taste of the most demanding and avant-garde public of the city,always carrying a harmony with the room and the type of audience. Dispose of styles in his Gig´s, can be: Deep House, Balearic Beats, House Classics, Minimal & Electronic tendences. The reason always good to its critics is simple ... A whole life of devotion to the music.Intervenciones DJ residente o invitado: Studio 54, Fibra Optica, Otto Zutz, Apocalypsis, Gran Velvet, Jamboree, Back Fire, Coto Club, Royal Sessions (Sala Razzmataz), Illusions (Matineé Group), El Cel BCN, Milk Club, Salsitas, City Hall, La Escuelita, Barcelona Love Parade B-Parade 2001, Pink, Bronx, De Loca Club, Fritz Fresh Club, Le Kasbah (Grupo OttoZutz), C.D.L.C. (Carpe Diem Lounge Club), Danzatoria (Grupo Salsitas), Buddha Bar Barcelona, Citrom cafe (Music Restaurant Club), Elephant BCN, Danzarama Club (Grupo Salsitas), Elektra ( IBZ -05), Hard Rock Cafe BCN (new year´s eve 2005/06), Dalai Lounge Club, Barcelona Life-Parade 2006, Ribelino´s, Up & Down, ShowRoom BCN, Mondo Club BCN, The In side club (Hard Rock BCN), Cala Morisca, Pacha Barcelona.Intervenciones en Radio: -Flaix F.M. Swing Flaix 105.7 F.M.(Dj, Presentador y colaborador ). -Los 40 Principales Fes-te Pols 93.9 F.M. (Dj, Presentador y Productor)Intervenciones en T.V: -TV3/Canal 33 (Sputnik Magazine) -City T.V. (Vitamina N) -Flaix T.V.(Flaix Mania Magazine)Producciones:-Dwayne G. Personalidad Plastic-oh! rec.-Groove Lickers You Gotta House Works.-Groove Lickers feat Helen B. Wind u up Tanga rec. (Ministry of Sound the nighlife) Vale music.-Dwayne Gonzalez pres. K. Wild Pure Honey Tanga rec. (Seleccion basica by David Gausa) Vale music.-Dwayne Gonzalez & Bass Bros pres.Jimy Shaftay Goin under Elite Rec./Filmax Music.-Dwayne Gonzalez & Bass Bros U will B my life-Elite Rec. Elite Groove.-Dwayne Gonzalez & Bass Bros pres. Jimy Shaftay Runaway- Elite Rec.-S.P.S Cada vez-Universal.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/3/2007
Band Members:
MySpace Ticker Lyrics
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Sounds Like: Lyrics
Record Label: Elite Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Posted by Dwayn3 G on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:43:00 PST

San Juan @ Mondo BCN

Sabado 23 San Juan party @ Mondo BCN... Before Head Kandi DJ´s!!! From 03...to...06 GrooveSexyElektroFunk Music ON XD. Vip & Guest list, visit: www.Mondobcn.com...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:59:00 PST

Summer Party´s info

Z:eltas on wendsday´s pres:         & nbsp;    "Living Brazil"(100%house&brazilian tempos) music by Dwayne Gonzalez...miercoles from 00h ...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:56:00 PST


Producciones: -Dwayne G. "Personalidad" Plastic-oh! rec. -Groove Lickers "You Gotta" House Works. House Works records.   -Groove Lickers feat Helen B."Wind u up" Tanga rec. (Ministry of Sound ...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:32:00 PST

Dj Info 2

A.k.a "Dwayne" Gonzalez. (Elite Groove/Elite Rec.) Intervenciones como DJ residente o invitado: Studio 54, Fibra Optica, Otto Zutz, Apocalypsis, Gran Velvet, Jamboree, Back Fire, Coto Club, Royal Ses...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:29:00 PST

Dj Info

A.k.a Dwayne"Duein" Gonzalez. Deejay&producer&artist. [email protected] (Elite Groove/elite records) ___________________   La fusión de estilos y sonidos definen las sesiones d...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:26:00 PST

Summer party´s info

Music "ON",Friday´s @ Hard Rock Cafe BCN...(fridays from 00 to 3) Funk, old School, Deep & Electronic Tendences...Downstairs @t Bassement, guided by: Dwayne Gonzalez...
Posted by Dwayn3 G on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:06:00 PST