mmmmmm....I just want to meet positive, fun,real, entertaining, appreciative, down to earth, spunky, imaginative, sensitive, strong individuals....this town is so full of bullshit,facades, transparency, greed, and so much more crap but I want to dig past all that and find the beauty and splendor that this place was built upon and has since hidden under the layer of fakeness it nurtures....oh and maybe al pacino, and the network execs of my I can stop waiting for it to come to reality...oh...and the man whos eyes I look into and without words or touch I feel a world of emotion, compassion,understanding,and love beyond my comprehension....the one who makes me giddy all the time and a little nervous but in a good way...someone who gets me completely and loves all of my quirks...maybe can sing to me or play a song just for me on some intrument...someone strong and sensitive at the same time...someone who can effortlessly make me laugh endlessly...someone not afraid to be wrong and mess up but brave enough to accept his mistakes and mine and be ok with them all but be willing to fix them...theres more but thats all for now...
Oh I could make a list of all the music I love but I would go on and on....Im into so many different genres of music...there are so many bands that I would love to get into..go many eras of music I have to discover...but its definitly something I cannot live without....not one day passes that I dont listen to music...I even listen to music when I go to bed (bach lately)
oh geez....if I could have every movie that I like and want to see in my personal collection..Id be able to open up a store of my own...i wish theatres would issue day passes so you could go and watch all the movies you want in one day...
anyone who has come out of a horrid childhood and risen above it and become a strong and positive person...The mishaps we are faced with should only make us stronger...not give us excuses to use for our shortcoming but fuel to make us strive for excellence and happiness....those who help others not expecting anything in return...children who are in situations beyond their control but keep smiling...survivors...