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..Hello, dear Soul, Thank-you so much for coming by my page. It's lovely to have you. I hope you enjoy my tunes!If you want to know the technical stuff about me and my singing/songwriting, you can read my bio blog, or visit my website at .A little more random stuff about me: I'm madly in love with my piano. Hearing a good song makes my whole being smile. I close my eyes a lot when I sing and get lost or should I say found. I songwrite about everything from a crush on my doctor to my junk in the trunk to falling in love again and again. I feel that I can most adequately express myself in a song. I songwrite constantly. I feel very, very deeply. I am filled to the brim with love. I even love strangers... so yes, I love you, I do. I am wicked silly. I am wicked passionate. I think about God everyday. My spirituality is the most important thing in my life. I love to paint. I love coffee so much that I've turned into it. Yes, I'm warm and creamy and sugary and strong. You should take a big sip of me. I write lots of poetry. If you met me you might ask, "Were you born with two right brains and no left?" I'm such a right brainer. My left brain is on vacation permanently. I only miss it a little. I'm trying to live in the present moment. I'm trying to meet myself and others with compassion. I'm trying to have love be my answer to every question.. to every thought.. to every person.. I want my life to be about helping others. My Soul is telling me that if it is than I will be happy. I believe Her.Ok, well, I hope you have a day that is beautiful and you remember that even though it might not feel like it, there is never a second that goes by that you are not Loved. I truly believe that.Also, thanks for supporting my music! I would love to be your myspace friend and please share my page and tunes with anyone you think may enjoy them! Your support, encouragement and help mean SO much to me.Answering messages: I try to answer them all, but sometimes it is impossible because I am so busy. If you really want a response please say that in your note and I will make a special point to get back to you. I do read EVERY message I get, and I appreciate them SO much. I have printed out many because of how deeply they have touched me. It bring me tons of joy to read your kind, kind messages!Please vote for me below by comparing artists in the same genres! Thanks SO much!Click here to purchse my CD! So many thanks from my heart for your support! .
Contact WMPG Portland Community Radio and ask them to air my songs and refer them to my music page!
On-Air Studio Requests (207) 780-4909
DJ Request Email:[email protected]