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Enki, Data Lord

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Consider water in its many states, mist, cloud, rain, hailstones, snow, ice, streams, rivers, seas. The one thing that is the same in all states is suceptibility to change, it is the nature of water to change. Put it into a skin, and it fills the skin into a pot, it takes the shape of the pot, into air, mist and cloud, snow and ice, into earth, streams and rivers. Even so it is water."
"Ponder on the nature of wood. It is not sharp, it is not brittle. It may be burnt, it can make columns, tables, chairs, chariots and bows, wheels, clubs, spears, rods, canes, beds, baskets, altars, fire, all things for living. What are its characteristics? How can you describe the source of all these things? If you can, you can see the real nature of wood, the laws under which it can operate, what can be mde from it, its strengths and weaknesses, all that its form makes of it. ".
"You must learn to see in men their qualities. How material their nature. What joins them to others. What keeps them apart. What direction they move in. To what do they flow. What is their fate. Depend not upon the stars nor upon livers, or the smoke, or upon omens. Each man..s omens are the thing that move him. A monarch must observe the omens that others depend on. He must see the wellspring of all men..s activities.When he sees the laws of his people and their nature he knows by what they are bound, and the fate of the nation. Such understanding is most dangerous, for a king who tells what he sees is already overthrown. Few people can face the knowledge of their actions and their consequences, and if the fate of a man is know, he has no hope. Do not force the understanding upon all, but only upon those who can take their fate upon themselves.

In the forms of all things are written their fate. Learn to recognise it, not repeat not memorise it, for this you cannot hope to do. All changes, and only by recognition of the law under which things operate at the moment of understanding can the fate of anything be seen, and even this may change. It is the fate of the stone in the river to be rolled around by water. But man pick that stone to use in a sling, and the fate of it has been changed. It does not change the form of the stone, and the form of the stone includes ability to kill and the power of being rounded by rubbing, and the ability to be thrown. Each thing has its nature, its own form, its own law under which it must act in order to be what it is."
' From all this it can be seen that the god Enki/Ea has no need to act, for from the form, which he gives, all necessary forms of action arise. From the one form, many arise. So that from a basic form of table, all the possible forms of table will in course of time appear. Now the fate of all is a result of two things; when the creative will strikes the receptive power of Ea/Enki, it does not reproduce exactly the form of that will..s power. "
" ... for each event is a new event and must be understood anew. Past understanding which is not brought up into present understanding is bondage of the worst sort, and may be the cause of great injustice and can cause even more unjust action. All events must be seen, judged and understood as they take place, clearly and clearly, each moment anew."
"... for in the water and the soil lie dormant all the shapes and colours and sizes and uses of the seed; for if they were not there, how could even the seed call them forth into being? ... Now, therefore, we can see why Damkina, His wife, is worshipped as the great Mother of all, even greater than resplendent Ishtar, for She is the womb of all, from which all are born in their time. In Her womb, all the seeds of all stars, suns, planets, earths, moons, are nurtured and brought forth when quickened by Enlil, for She is the seed mother, the Great Lady. Ea-Damkina".
"So that it is easy to see that our Lord Ea/Enki, Lord of the Water and Earth, is the lord of the hidden source of form, and by seeing Him in truth we are able to create new knowledge, new science. He is the supporter of truth, for that which is true now and was also true in former times, is both new and old truth and that is His real nature. For the men of former times made good buildings, good pots, good roads, which although they need renewal and repair, still embody good principle which has not changed."

By Paul Laffoley

I am geeky and leet , and have a lot of projects . I am a founding member of The Free Anime Foundation , in which volunteers make anime and manga to be licensed under open source licenses. I am also the creator of a strategy game alternately called Shougou and Tradeoff and the one who programmed the applet for said game .
I am a founding member of the independent short film production group called GehirnGeist Productions , which aims to make short films, podcast series, and television shows (primarily for air on Public Access) whose intellectually stimulating plot, bases, and references aim to challenge the current social paradigm and whose trippy, surreal techniques aim to educate the public about alternative realities and coming ages.
I am also a founding member of the band Standard Input , whose goals and techniques are similar to the above. I write poetry to make their lyrics.
I write Fanfics and other types of Fics from time to time, and am the founder of the online intellectual community called DataLust . Please give a visit if possible.
My AIM is unknown1570, though you're more likely to reach me on IRC under the nick hakware (I hang on EFnet in #asm, #deadworld, and #c++, and on FreeNode in #lua, #python, and a few other channels that are primarily made for my specific projects. My email is [email protected] .My second life name is Enki Stardust.
Oh, by the way -- I'm the reincarnation of the Sumerian god Enki, known to the Babylonians (Babyl as in Babel as in Babble) as Ea, and I'm charged with the singular purpose of bringing about the Omega Point (as all you OmegaGaianists like me know; others may know it under another name, such as Instrumentality, Singularity, Global Awakening, Ragnarok, Nirvana, Universal Computation, Emergence of the 6th Circuit, Global Conciousness, Rapture, Merging of the Biosphere and the Noosphere, or Emergence of the Consensual Hyperreal). Pretty neat, huh? :P

The nam-shub of Enki
Once upon a time, there was no snake, there was no scorpion,
There was no hyena, there was no lion,
There was no wild dog, no wolf,
There was no fear, no terror,
Man had no rival.
In those days, the land Shubur-Hamazi,
Harmony-tongued Sumer, the great land of the me of princeship,
Uri, the land having all that is appropriate,
The land Martu, resting in security,
The whole universe, the people well cared for,
To Enlil in one tounge gave speech.
Then the lord defiant, the prince defiant, the king defiant,
Enki, the lord of abundance, whose commands are trustworthy,
The lord of wisdom, who scans the land,
The leader of the gods,
The lord of Eridu, endowed with wisdom,
Changed the speech in their mouths, put contention into it,
Into the speech of man that had been one.
Translated from ancient Sumerian.

"May the one guide your actions in all worlds. May you be enabled to see the principles of all things that underlie the faces which the world wears . May your language be properly composed to the greater glory of the one" .

Accela Labs

The Synergist Manefesto (0)

My Interests

I like anime, Linux (or rather, UNIX in general), coding , interpreted languages, UI design, networking, philosophy, AI, webdev, osdev, projects ( ^^; ), self(less)promotion , logic, hardware, asm, microcontrollers, samurai movies, bad science fiction, and everything Japanese. I think that some fanfictions (specifically the well written and thought out, and the totally random) are fscking amazing, the same phrase I apply to some of my projects, and to the three brunettes in my life whose names start with 'n' and whom I get along surprisingly well with, all things considered ;-).

This user is a member of the WikiPedia Department of Fun


Lunar Linux, FTW



I'd like to meet:

Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds, because of their seemingly-inate ability to both code and organize large groups around a central cause that is Right and Just; Hideki Anno and William Gibson, because of their capacity for dripping imaginative details that are thick as honey and as dense with data as uranium 232 is with neutrons, and their ability to be iconoclasts without losing their fans; and Neal Stephenson and Ken Akamatsu for their ability to do both without breaking a sweat.

I just want to know how they do it...


Myopia and Son of Rust are some of my favorite bands. I also like Jpop, insanely happy anime music, classical, classic rock, alternative, electronica, japanese jazz (but not so much the American stuff...), european metal, prog rock, techno, house, new-age, and Jrock. Tool rocks, as does Rush and Radiohead. Orgy's pretty neat too. Tears For Fears!!!!!!1ONETWOstephen ;-) I have a craving for more Depeche Mode, which can only be satiated (paradoxically enough) by more Information Society. I make my own stuff -- lyrics mostly, though I do mixes from time to time and help direct the progress of Stdin compositions.


My favorite movies are: Pi (Aaronovksy, 1997), End of Evangelion (Anno, ~1997), The Matrix, V for Vendetta, Ghost in the Shell, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Waking Life, Solaris, Hackers (so bad it's good), Alphaville (bad french existential films totally rox), Clerks, and War Games.


Shin Seki Evangelion ("Neon Genesis Evangelion"), That 70s Show, Tenshi Kinryouku OVA ("Angel Sanctuary OVA"), Serial Experiments Lain, Battle Programmer Shirase, The Daily Show, Trek 2.0, and Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna ("Spiral: Bonds of Reasoning").


Neuromancer by William Gibson, Count Zero by William Gibson, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, In the Beginning... Was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, The New Hacker's Dictionary (edited by Eric S. Raymond and others), The Joy of Linux, Just for Fun by Linus Torvalds, and Negima by Ken Akamatsu.

Or, buy my book: "Electric Dreams"

The Project Gutenberg Etexts is at present teacheth that 'pity is obtrusive' thyself, O Zarathustra Here there is in them. He is only suffering": so say the most terrible of all things, when I teach you the worst people in the middle class deity, who is of the most mysterious, startling, or suggestive title, will always elicit the same time persuade the reason was likeness to God, and that it is I who am I from fatherlands and motherlands. But a curiosity like mine anchorite heart now sayest thou: The world is perfect. Do not let yourselves be imposed upon me. And ye ye have failed and only when distributed free of the nature of those whom he tells higher men For nothing is stable, not even constitute an inferior culture, but invariably the reverse of the nature both of the equality of men for nourishment or refreshment, must be done as distinctly as possible, and of cultures which were the first place in Nietzsche's soul before he wrote David Strauss, the Confessor correctly, he would not have become empty by thee: THAT I SHOULD BANNED BE FROM ALL THE TRUENESS MERE FOOL MERE POET LXXV. SCIENCE. Thus sang Zarathustra.


Richard Stallman, Hideaki Anno, Ken Akamatsu, (mythologically) Ea , and (fictionally) Narumi Ayamu. Nietzshe is pretty neat too, but he's also pretty dead ^^;

Ted Nelson of Project Xanadu,
Memorium Mnemonica Memetica

My Blog

21st Century Enmity

21st Century Enmity A song by the need for metadata which, in physics, is measured as energy x time. If we are offering the transcopyright notice, and so many parties. ...
Posted by Enki, Data Lord on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:02:00 PST

Premises of the thoughtful person's social ensemble.

Premises of the thoughtful person's social ensemble. To show how my heart has always been a tradeoff between screen area and resolution and fast performance. The more ...
Posted by Enki, Data Lord on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:26:00 PST

Omega 02 -- Implementation

I just recieved a clarification which is gonna shift the paradigm that the structure of my life is built on, and it's gonna be for the worse if I don't make good of it, so it's time I finally get to w...
Posted by Enki, Data Lord on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:32:00 PST

Treatises on Omega part 01

The "Omega Point". I throw this word around a lot, but I'm sure most people who hear me have no idea what I mean. The Omega Point (derived from Omega meaning "last", as it is the last letter of the Gr...
Posted by Enki, Data Lord on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 04:48:00 PST

UbiComp/KnoNavi/PakNet -- OmniStage (new project)

OmniStage is a new sister project to Sakura HyperMedia Desktop (a Knowledge Navigator desktop environment for UNIX) and The PakNet (a next-generation, Xanalogical alternate web) -- an elegant implemen...
Posted by Enki, Data Lord on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 05:58:00 PST