Raising Global Consciousness, Yoga, Finishing Things I start, Telekinetics, Sketching in the Dark , Secret Rondezavous', Eating Breakfast for Dinner, Photosynthesis, Sunrises, Coincidences, Rainy Day Car Slides, Spontanious Day Trips, Change, Pulling your Hair, Staying Up ALL Night, Keeping Promises, Costa Rica, Pinellas County Twister Champ '91......
The People that Don't Run when the Shit hits the fan.
The one's who are just as pretty on the Inside,
as they are on the Outside.
Vi Vires Verum, Vefus Universum Victi
I am not here to be as good as possible
I am here to be as real as possible
God Sleeps in the Rock, Dreams in the Plant, Stirs in the Animal & Awakens in Man.
Everything but Country, LOL
Bollywood & Vine, Less Than Zero, PORN, Any Quinten Movie, Matix Trilogy, V...
Nip/Tuck, W.S.O.P, CSI
Celestine Prophecy, Wayne Dyer, Deepok Chopra, Way of a Peaceful Warrior, Kama Sutra, Art of War.
Einstein,L.M.T.'s Lance Armstrong, Rudy, Single MILF's, Recovering Addicts.
I Honor the Place in You,
Where the Universe Resides
I Honor the Place in You of Love,
of Light, of Truth, of Peace.
I Honor the Place in You where,
if You are in That Place in You,
and I am in That Place in Me,
There is Only One of Us.