Después de que uno de sus miembros emigrara a la selva boliviana, los desaparecidos ZUL (que este año han reeditado en Francia su único LP), se dividieron en dos facciones. Por un lado los desalmados PUPILLE. Por el otro, los monásticos DERVICHE, grupo formado por Nando e Iván junto al excéntrico Jordi Pà mies y junto a Kiko, hijo ilegÃtimo de David Bowie y heredero de sus ojos bicolor. ¿Estilo? Baile roto y melodÃas para sonreÃr con los oÃdos.Derviche van néixer d’un calçot i no porten roba interior. En Jordi Pà mies (guitarra de Cocina) a mida que menjava, s’anava fent més baix. En Nando Rabassó (ex-Zul) ben aviat va marxar a estudiar a Plutó, però Plutó ja no té prestigi de planeta. Kiko (abans a Gra Fort) va aprendre el so i les vibracions tirant parets a cals amics. I l’Ivan (ex-Zul i Pupille) volia ser japonès sense haver de passar per la banyera. Tots plegats et faran ballar ritmes imballables i atendriran els punks amb melodies per a solters i nostà lgics. Rock monà stic!
There was once a dervish who took up his abode in the mountains in order to enjoy perfect solitude. In that place were many fruit trees, and the dervish made a vow that he would never pluck any of the fruit, but eat only what was shaken down by the wind. For a long time he kept his vow. But a time came when there was no wind, and consequently no fruit was shaken down. The dervish was true to his vow for five days, but he could then endure the pangs of hunger no longer, and he stretched out his hand and plucked some of the fruit from the branches. The reason of this lapse on his part was that he had omitted to say "If God will" when making his vow; and as nothing can be accomplished without God's aid, he could not possibly keep his vow. Shortly afterwards, the chief of the police visited the mountains in pursuit of a band of robbers, and arrested the dervish along with them, and cut off his hand. When he discovered his mistake he apologized very earnestly; but the dervish reassured him, saying that men were not to blame, as God had evidently designed to punish him for breaking his vow by depriving him of the hand which had sinned in plucking the fruit.Pronto en Barcelona, miembros de Pupille, de Fromheadtotoe, de Zul, de Maika Makovski, Cocina,
Soon, Cube…
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