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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

The purpose of Immaculate is to bring awareness to the uses and possible benefits of natural psychedelic substances for medical, recreational and spiritual exploration. This includes those that are of both legal and illegal status. Natural psychedelics include THC, psilocybin, DMT, peyote, and many other substances that are either produced naturally in plants, fungi or any other earthborn fashion. By raising awareness to these natural substances, we hope to help make the use of these substances legal to posses, produce and consume without persecution and or criminal prosecution. We believe it is our constitutional right, under the freedom of choice, to choose what we put into our own bodies. We also feel that the right to consume said substances could also fall under the freedom of religion, which is also protected by the constitution of the United States of America. Legislation is already in the works to allow more research and develop private studies on the effects of these psychoactive substances. Immaculate wants to help raise money for these studies and private research. We are currently involved with private research involving legal substances such as muscimol, salvia divinorum, LSA, and many more. If you would like to help us by making a donation and help fund our research, we would certainly appreciate it. Help make Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness real and true for everyone living in this FREE country!

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Help us reach our goal of $1000 by the end of July

My Interests


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Official Thong - $10.99

All Clothing Items On Sale Thru August 2007

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I'd like to meet:

Terrence McKenna, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Jim Morrison, Hunter S Thompson....and many more


Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Hot Tuna, Airplane, Janis, Beatles, Cream, Traffic, Zeppelin


Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, The Doors, Pink Floyd - Live At Pompeii.






My dad, My grandfathers.

My Blog

What's The Story, Morning Glory?

Take note: I Ordered a product called "Druid's Fantasy" a couple of weeks back from a place in the UK called The product contains Ipomoea Convolvulaceae (morning glory seeds). The...
Posted by Immaculate on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:08:00 PST

San Pedro (Proper Preparation & Consumption Methods)

MescalineIngesting Cacti That Contain MescalineCopyright © Klaus Trenary Since the general consensus is that hallucinogenic cacti taste bad, it was felt that a lengthy discussion of the different ways...
Posted by Immaculate on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:53:00 PST

Amanita Muscaria - Proper Preparation

This method is not something simply read from a book and passed along. It is a tried and true method (by myself an many others). This wonderful carpophore has a oddly dangerous "taboo" surrounding it ...
Posted by Immaculate on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:34:00 PST