Murder Media <NOISE TERROR TOUR> profile picture

Murder Media &lt;NOISE TERROR TOUR&gt;

Columbia, SC - Punk/Ska/Thrash/Crunk

About Me

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Add to My Profile | More Videos We currently have five songs up. We are selling them at cost, ( CDR + Shipping ). If you are interested in purchasing the CD just send us an email that says " I WANNA BUY YOUR SHIT " and we sill send it out as soon as possible with whatever random shit that amuses us at the time! Murder Media is a five PIECE ensemble formed in the Columbia Area. We have a ton of different music influences which causes beautiful confliction and horrible harmony. They are not necessarily against all forms of media, however they are certainly against the excess of media controlling people's lives - from the fear that plagues the news, to the social monitoring the music industry feeds us.

Murder Media(fourstars bitches) – “Live Demo“ Based upon their name you would have never guessed them to be political..right? This isn't delicate music, nor is it for people who have delicate sensibilities towards government structure or fragile constitutions. Those who are faint of heart or hearing shouldn't listen to this, simply because the noise, the reconstructions of Punk Murder Media engages in, are likely to rend and shred eardrums of the uninitiated, tearing them apart. Maybe it's just a band trying to strip what they think down to the absolute essential, leaving their ideas unadorned by sonic fripperies and doodads. To break down my review to the simplest form, Murder Media is a fast paced Hardcore-ish punk band that could give a shit whether you or I like them or not. The vocals are a little screamy, but since it’s a live recording and they can rip you a new asshole who cares. I love that type of snotty fuck you attitude as much as I like their unruly tunes. - Johnny Taint( )
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My Interests


Member Since: 5/26/2007
Band Members: Brandon- VocalsEvan - Drums Jeremy - Bass Peyton - Guitar/VoxGareth- Guitar, Backing Vox
Influences: Rather than influenced by a group in general since we have diverse tastes in music, we'd rather share which bands/artists influence us individually.Brandon- Filth, Rudimentary Peni, Chokin Victim, Guyana Punchlin, Antischism, OPIVY Evan - BEER,the blood brothers,the misfits,the aquabats,dead kennedys,no cash,left over crack. Jeremy - Atom and his package, Big D and the kids table, Against all Authority, Street Light Manifesto Peyton - Crass, Antischism, No Cash, Germs, Filth, and lots and lots of PBR. Gareth - 77 snot punk, The Clash, X-Ray Spex, and something about being gay with jeremy.
Sounds Like: Has Played with the likes of: Crypt Keeper Five, Bathory Boys, The Shake up! , Kennedy Curse, Sick Sick Sick, A-Priori , Rogue Nations , Break the Ties, Johnny Fever and the Frantics, Preach, The Horror 57s, Circle the Wagons, Celerity, The Fast Boys, Dirty South Scalywags, The National Rifle, Big Attack! The Independents , Graveyard Crashers, SLED, Smash Points, Murder Junkies, H&R Steel, Dirty South Revolutionaries, Ironclad, Swank Sinatra, Reckless Youth, Social Life, The Leeves, Murder House, QAR, Decapataion Proclamation, South Side Punx,Ramming Speed,Writhe,The 33's,Canon Law, Urban Turban, ... more to come!
Record Label: Plant A Tree Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New 6 Song Lp Out Now On Plant A Tree Records

Brand new 6 song lp is out now on Plant A Tree Records. Track list is as follows.1)DIY2)Church of Law3)Inglewood4)The End is the Beginning5)We Are Plucked6)Media Person(Rudimentary Peni)Plant A Tree w...
Posted by Murder Media <NOISE TERROR TOUR> on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:12:00 PST

Regarding the CD

1. Anhilation of the Nation 2. Rock n Roll pt 2 3. Murder Media 4. No Home And Roaming 5. Break Free 6. Whose Got the Crack 7. White Collared Terrorist 8. Waters Fine 9. Blue 10. Chin Up 11. Obese Nat...
Posted by Murder Media <NOISE TERROR TOUR> on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:13:00 PST


BOTOX MONSTEREverything you are is sold on the market placeFrom your fake chest to your fucked up faceLook at you now you're such a disgrace Everything you are is fake, you're such a wasteBought and s...
Posted by Murder Media <NOISE TERROR TOUR> on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:38:00 PST