"Poise your ply to the sky and fly!"
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Recently, a very good friend of mine and myself opened a registered office somewhere in Hollywood Blvb named HELICURIO INC. (HELICURIO is an amalgamation of "Helicon," a Greek mythical mountain where dwell the nine Muses of Inspiration; and "Curio," a rare and unusual form of artistic expression.) In the nearest future, I intend to come over to California to set up the incorporation with my friend, the aim of which is to use this office as a creative centre for the rarest and unusual forms of Artistic, Writing, Entertainment, and Inspirational expressions! We are still working on the logistics and will keep you guys updated of the developments…
Sample Logo for HELICURIO
D esigned by DIO
As a website designer and owner of www.webs2dio.com , our costs are relatively cheap. And we deliver top-quality services in return. Plus, we have discount and free packages in store for you in the course of your business transaction(s) with us. Our team of creative webweavers are at your service anytime to attend to your web-related needs. click for details. (NOTE: Most pages on this site are still under construction. This is just a sample version. Please bear with us. Thank you!)
Logo of WEBS2DIO
D esigned by DIO
I am presently building up a global community poetry site with some like-minded friends, which is due to be finished soon. The name is POEMpals and the link is www.poempals.com . Go on, Folks, take a peek at it and leave your criticisms at [email protected] . Constructive criticisms are highly welcome. But before you do, just a tiny note of warning: the site is still far from getting finished. Some of the links are yet to find their destinations. You just have to bear with us…
Click on the images above and below to learn more about POEMPALS
My poem-collection, "POEMystery" is currently in the cyber-market for sale. The link is http://poemystery.poempals.com and I'm offering a free e-poem collection of "POEMystery," composed of 60 enchanting poems of 144 pages, to anyone, through whose connection, 3 e-books are sold. Plus the sum of $4.00 for each book sold. If you are interested, please contact me for further discussion, at [email protected] . Plus the book cover version is on its way. When it’s out, I’ll let you Folks know…
I am involved in an African-based Art-Collecting project which has taken me across the west coasts of Africa - from Nigeria to Ivory Coast - the website of which will also be out soon... Interested investors are welcome. To know more about this art venture, please contact me at [email protected] .
This is not my painting
But eye luv da damn thing!
I have finished writing scroll 1 (part 1, "The Dream Child") of a major movie novel named "The Dreamweaver Trilogy" from the SEEKER SERIES, a sci-fi, more of a crossbreed between "Matix," "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Ring", the novel of which will soon to be published this year. The script version of this project open for movie/business opportunities from any angle of the world. In case you might be interested in going into a major movie production business with me based on this proposal, or you are a movie agent who has some solid connection at the corridors of major Hollywood Studios, please click me at: [email protected] . Thank you!
A sample graphic design by DIO
My name is DIO, an abbreviation for – and transposed as – O’rie “Dreams†Igwe. I’m an Artist. Art Collector. Graphic Artist. Actor. Director. Sci-Fi Novel Author. Classic Poems Author. Gnostic Poet. Script Writer. Song Writer. Website Designer. Games Inventor. Entertainer. Inspirator. A Gnostic. And yes! My favourite – Maestro of the Art of Self-Expression!
Why all the trumpet-blasting? you may ask. Well, if i don't blow my own trumpet, who the hell is gonna blow it for me? and if you wanna put my skills to the test, just holla me...
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