Sailing... (read as.. I shoulda' been a PIRATE!!) *GRIN* Writing... (read as.. I gotta get the miriad of voices outta my head somehow) *GULP* Food... (read as.. I'm a hedonistic epicurean when it comes to what I put in my mouth) *WINK* Art... Music... Writing...
Writers... or maybe even readers who like to talk about writing...
Johnny Cash, MOBY, Lyle Lovett, Neko Case, Haley Bonar, Lavay Smith, Cherry Poppin Daddies,Tom Waits, Tsunami Bomb, Willie Nelson... that's a taste... and I mean only a taste. Right now I'm really diggin' my honky-tonk Texas roots.
Rear Window, The Princess Bride, Once Upon a Time in the West, Cool Hand Luke, Solaris, K-PAX... many more, I'll get back to this list.
Anything by Tom Robbins, Mark Driver, Mark Twain.
Albert Einstein... nuff said.Teddy Roosevelt... fucker was tough as nails.e.e. cummings... words, can't explain with words.My Grandmother... She could've kicked Teddy's ass any day of the week.