Why we behave the way we do?
How can we reduce violence?
Where does aggression come from?
1. Smart people.
2. Not so smart people, as long as they are willing to think about why people are so violent and to consider solutions.
3. People who like the following quotes:
"It takes strength to love, simply because it takes strength to stand exposed without armor, open to the needs of others. The ability to stand open to love is a sort of heroism." -Ernest Becker
"You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering." - Henri-Frédéric Amiel.
Metal, hardcore, Adam Watts, and silence.
The Philosopher Kings, Why We Fight, The Corporation, Invisible Children, The Big Lebowski, The Usual Suspects, Requiem for a Dream, Apocalypse Now, The Power of Nightmares, Dawn of the Dead, Anchorman, V for Vendetta, My Neighbor Totoro, The Ice Storm, Silence of the Lambs, The Royal Tenenbaums, When Harry Met Sally, Braveheart, Punk Drunk Love, Almost Famous, True Romance, Fight Club, Shawshank Redemption, Baraka, Everything Is Illuminated
Lost, The West Wing, Arrested Development, Wonder Years
The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker, White Noise, The War of Art
Patrick Shen, Greg Bennick.