Dancing -ballroom, latin, polynesian, belly dancing, ballet & jazz- designing, my pets, animals in general, fashion, costumes, being 'green', gardening, watching movies, shopping, reading, painting, playing with the dogs, having coffee with the girls, chillin' with my man, flowers, hot chocolate, bubble baths, candles, food
The cool kids
Apollo 13 -the ultimate in 'never give up' films, Jaws, Star Wars IV, V & VI, Amadeus, Shrek, The Mummy (hello Brendan Fraser), Dangerous Liasons, The Devil's Backbone, 21 Grams, Pan's Labyrinth, The Lost Boys, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (extended version), The Devil Wears Prada, Clueless, Shawn of the Dead, Army of Darkness, any Disney cartoon -especially the old stuff, My Fair Lady, Gigi, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Galaxy Quest, The Others, X-Men, The Last of the Mochicans, Brotherhood of the Wolf (oh my god...I love their coats!)
House, Black Adder (once upon a time), CSI -gotta love the SPFX & mkup FX! The Amazing Race (Vance & I would kill each other), Hell's Kitchen
Harry Potter Series, Pride & Predudice, DaVinci Code, Titan, Martha Inc., The World of Pooh, all Jane Austin, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Devil Wears Prada, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Bear Necessities Of Business, The Mists of Avalon, The Crysalids, I also love books by David Eddings, Guy Gavriel Kay, and the old Stephen King. I am also a huge fan of the old English poets, John Dunne, Richard Lovelace, John Suckling, Byron and Shelley.
Wonder Woman -I always wanted to be her -still can't twirl myself into a new outfit though, no matter how hard I try.