muSic, sKimbOarding, rock cLimbing, forest trekkinG, reDiscoverinG the wonDers ob swiMming, carS, siOmai, redHOwrs, BOOKs...bOOkS...bOoKS, ListeninG to pPoL, savOring the glOry of daRkness (the mOonlight and the staRs, ob cOrs...), muSic! i reaLly reAlly LovE mUsic! it is my sOurce of eveRythinG!!! iTs my LIFE!!!
i like to meet YOU alllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reGgae, PunK, aLt, sKa, biSrOcK...
i Lab anyThing actiOn, bracEd by any kiNds of maRtial aRts...aLso lab finDing neMo...cute!
i like big-screened coLored tv's...bWahahaha!
whew! books?!i LaB almOst any kind of bOoks!except for maNuals!grrRRR!...i hate them!
Super heroes and jose rizal?... lOve yOur oWn!!!