hanna profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i lab to Laf becos it is d onLy way that i can divert my senSes frOm the constAnt nagGings Of fatE... the hustles and bustles?...grRRrrr... makes me go mad!... ayt now im fighting the biGgest and the most wAaH! battle ob my Layp... im now facing a bewy great challenGe. i dunno if i can surpass this wid mah whoLe self still intact. hOpefully, wid a sEed of optimism, courage and strong will, this ordeAl won't be zat devastating..huhuhu... and with a lot ob encouragemEnt frOm oL d ppol i lab, maybe...maybe...just maybe, thingz wiL be owayt...im crOssinG mah fiNgers!!!

My Interests

muSic, sKimbOarding, rock cLimbing, forest trekkinG, reDiscoverinG the wonDers ob swiMming, carS, siOmai, redHOwrs, BOOKs...bOOkS...bOoKS, ListeninG to pPoL, savOring the glOry of daRkness (the mOonlight and the staRs, ob cOrs...), muSic! i reaLly reAlly LovE mUsic! it is my sOurce of eveRythinG!!! iTs my LIFE!!!

I'd like to meet:

i like to meet YOU alllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!


reGgae, PunK, aLt, sKa, biSrOcK...


i Lab anyThing actiOn, bracEd by any kiNds of maRtial aRts...aLso lab finDing neMo...cute!


i like big-screened coLored tv's...bWahahaha!


whew! books?!i LaB almOst any kind of bOoks!except for maNuals!grrRRR!...i hate them!


Super heroes and jose rizal?... lOve yOur oWn!!!

My Blog

my immortal

m so tired of being here........suppressed by all my childish fears and f u have to leave i wish that you would just leave....... coz your presence still lingers here and it wont leave me alone......t...
Posted by hanna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST