January profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Natalia DiSario 2008 Calendar Now Taking Orders!!!!!A sense of humor is most important to me along with an open mind. I am amazed at how small the world has become; today we need only watch CNN International, (I have it going most of the time while I walk around whenever I am at home) and whatever is happening anywhere on the planet immediately becomes shared knowledge. To be able to exchange your thoughts via Myspace with a stranger somewhere else in the country, or anywhere on the planet for that matter is mind boggling. I still sincerely believe that the lives of human beings are far more valuable than money. I use the name January because I think it's fun.

My Interests

I enjoy doing just about everything, walking, swimming, bike riding, travel, concerts, plays and reading. I love watching movies.

I'd like to meet:

Meeting new people is most enjoyable, I like meeting everyone and anyone; I cannot think of anyone in particular that I would say I want to meet. I find it especially enjoyable meeting people who I can laugh with. Sometimes we want very much to meet someone based on what we have heard about them, their accomplishments, or simply because of their appearance, this could lead to major disappointment. I have experienced meeting many new people throughout my life and have always managed to find something charming and likable in everyone.


I like all music, I favor opera, violin soloist, classical, and I adore the song that I have on my Myspace page.


Best movie: Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt-Joseph Cotton; Paths of Glory-Kirk Douglas; Gaslight; Do The Right Thing-Spike Lee; Gone with the Wind; The Godfather Trilogy; Dinner Rush; The Departed; Blade Runner; Galaxy Quest; Starman; Laura Croft Duo-Jolie; Birdcage; Blues Brothers(1); Zoolander; Romancing the Stone; Jewel of the Nile; Kill Bill 1 & 2; True Romance; Kingdom of Heaven; All Woody Allen; Stephen Speilberg; Clint Eastwood; Tarantino; & Amolvador's movies; anything with Pacino; Redford; Newman; DiNiro; Denzel; Harrison Ford; Jack Nicholson; Tom Cruise; George Clooney; Kevin Klein; James Woods; Bruce Willis; Forest Whitaker; Brad Pitt; Nicholas Cage; Tom Hanks; Matt Damon; Albert Brooks; Danny DiVito; Diane Keaton; Meryl Streep; Glenn Close; Jolie; JLO; Bullock; Zewelliger; Linley; Terminator Series; Blade Trinity-Westly Snipes; Alien Series-Sagorney Weaver; love old movies especially B mysteries. Musicals: Cabaret; Chicago; Moulin Rouge-Nicole Kidman; GiGi; Evita-Madonna; Funny Girl/Lady; Singing in the Rain; Jesus Christ Superstar.


Midsummer Murders; Boston Legal; Stark; The Closer; Ugly Betty; Law & Order; CSI-NY; CSI-FL; Criminal Intent; Numbers; Cold Case-The Series; History Channel; Iconoclasts; Without a Trace; CNN International; BBC News.


Mysteries, both old and new authors, Science Fiction-"Rama-Rama Revisited-Garden of Rama", plays by William Shakespear-"Julius Caesar", books by Richard Condon-"Infinity of Mirrors"; these are some of my favorite subjects and authors.


I admire so many people whom I believe have made a difference for our planet; for humanity in general; at the very least they constantly try to elevate the world's consciousness in order to maintain the old standards and beliefs human beings once held collectivly to be true. To name a few: Paul Newman, Joann Woodward, Oprah Winfrey; Cher, Angelina Jolie, Christiane Amanpour, Robert Redford, Anderson Cooper, Nicholas Cage, Arriana Huffington, George Clooney, Jesse Jackson; Brad Pitt, Mia Farrow, former Vice President Al Gore, Nelson Mandella; Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise; Bill Mahr; Chris Rock. There are so many, many more, too many to list. I admire them all and respect them for maintaining their intergrity in the face of such diminished standards and rapidly changing global values.Add to My Profile | More Videos NASA Season's Greetings
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My Blog


10-22-07 Received E mail with the following; would like to share with you; it seems that there is no santuary. Subject: Canadian Health Care I saw on the news up here in Canada where Hillary Clin...
Posted by January on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 07:18:00 PST

Open letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Dear Mr. Mayor:  Considering it is 2007 and all of the candidates are trying to please the mid-west voters; considering that science has established and documented that homosexuality is determin...
Posted by January on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:27:00 PST

Everybody dies Sucker! Movie: Body & Soul 1947

Old 1940's movie John Garfield plays a fighter; poor boy, rise to fame, crooked promoters, fast women; close to end of movie; big fight, promoter tells him to throw fight, next time wil...
Posted by January on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:35:00 PST