Recent study confirms Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
The university of Pittsburgh studied 200 boys for 12 years from the time they were 10 years old till the age of 22.
The boys who used marijuana first were no more likely to move on to harder drugs than those who first started with alcohol or cigarettes.
The primary basis for this "gateway hypothesis" is a recent report by the center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), claiming that marijuana users are 85 times more likely than non-marijuana users to try cocaine. This figure is close to being meaningless. It was calculated by dividing the proportion of marijuana users who have ever used cocaine (17%) by the proportion of cocaine users who have never used marijuana (.2%). The high risk-factor obtained is a product not of the fact that so many marijuana users use cocaine but that so many cocaine users used marijuana previously.
So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!
If your High... Watch this
These are a few artist you might want to toke to.
Led Zeppelin, Sublime, Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, The Beatles, Phish,
More to come!
Jack Herer- The Emperor Wears No Clothes