WEBSITE COMING SOON!!!!CONTACT VERNECCIA LASHAY: [email protected] Lashay Couture, a high fashion line specializing in the needs of women who dare to be fabulous! This unique line is here to meet the fashion needs of your wildest imagination! We personally invite you be the best supermodel you can be, whether you are a model or a woman of class that is tapping into her inner supermodel. Step out there and be you dare????***And we are currently searching for new models, if you feel you fit the criteria contact us!!!***ALSO!!!
Everybody want to be sexy right? Of course! Even the sexiest of the sexy still want to be sexier! I know who can help you achieve physical goals beyond your wildest dreams!Mr. Shawn Miller Certified Personal Trainer of S.Miller Elite FItness!
With sessions starting at $25-$30 an hour, you have no excuse not to start today!! Just think your very own personal trainer!!Mr. Miller conducts his personal training sessions based solely on YOUR needs and what YOU are trying to achieve! He also puts together diet plans upon request. Would you like tigher abs but you are happy with everything else? Would you like to loose weight, but keep certain assets you like about your body? Or are you even underweight looking to gain more muscle mass...either way seriously people just put in your order and he will deliver!!Stop watching these music videos and fashion shows wishing you looked like those sexy supermodels! You can! Get off your behind and claim your sexy!!!!!He's ready whenever you are!!!Mr. Shawn Miller
MySpace URL:[email protected]
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