This is a video from my ISYL shoot, it was kinda rushed that's why you only see me in each outfit for a little bit, we'll have more shoots up throughout the year, some of them are exclusive and we can't show them until the line is out next June, you can check ISYL short for (ISEEYOULOOKN) at, and the MUA (make up artist) is KimmyC and she's soooo great to work with, and she's a great artist. Her acct is myspace/kimmyjeanc.. Check me out :-) oldschool stuff Kimmy Jeans doing her great work once again at an old ISYL shoot My babies, my niece Audrey (Harold's baby), she's the caramel one, and my nephew James (Hillary's baby), he's tha yellow one ;-), then my cousin Stevens in there and my Grandma on my dad's side :-) ..Me and NinaThe hummer im goin to getA model job I did I'm the 1st and 3rd model-hard to recognize??Me and my home girls back in HSchool :-)Lets see...I pray, gotta stay connected with God, he's the whole reason we're here so he's my first best friend... I love modeling and being behind the camera ;-) I also Love Fashion and Spending Money, seeing that I don't have any not much of that is being done right now, but money isn't everything so I'm okay with that, I love to write poetry or just write, chill back and listen to music, chill with my girlzzz, Run-eventually lol, so I can get fit, and clear my mind.
I would love to meet Tyler Perry b/c all of his Madia movies are tha bomb and they're inspirational and funny, so if you haven't seen one go see it, the plays or the films cause you are definitely missing OUT.., Yolanda Adams b/c she's beautiful and has a blessed voice, Cierra man that girl represents for us, Beyonce, Kanye West, P-Diddy cause he's a business man, I like his style.
Anything that Sounds Good and it has to have good Lyrics or a Good Chorus, cause I Hate Stupid Music :-)Cursor By
A WALK TO REMEMBER...a real love story, and all the Madia plays and movies...This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5Background By
Family Guy, Americas Next Top Model, Making the band, Real World/Road Rules Challenges, Wife Swap, Dora,back in tha day Mya the Bee was soo good!!
*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: Haeley G-Z
[birthdate]: 11-16-84
[sex]: Female
[relationship status]: So Single haha
[shoe size]: 9
[parents still together]: Yeah
[siblings]: 2 older brothers, 2 older sisters
[pets]: My 2 Cats, my babies Cali and Tanga
[color]: PINK... I LOVE PINK
[number]: 6
[time of year]: Spring/Summer
[type of weather]: when it's warm, but not HOT!!
[food/drink]: Soul Food/Chinese Food- and Tai or Rasberry Ice Tea
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: If I'm really really bored I might
[have any tattoos]: No
[cheat on tests]: I used to back in tha day
[like scary movies]: Yess
[like cleaning]: Nooo
[know how to drive a standard]: You know it
[own a cell phone]: Couldn't live without one.
[collect anything]: Jewelry from boys...haha
[been in a fist fight]: when I was like in the 3rd grade
[considered a life of crime]: Naw, I have bigger dreams
[considered being a hooker]: Hecky naw, I have morals AND values
[been in love]: Yea, I don't know why
[made out with just a friend]: yea
[hurt someone you love]: Fo sho, but I learned
[kicked someone in the nuts]: No, but I should have ;-) lol
[clothing]: Discovery lol
[hair]: curly
[song you are in love with]: Shakira fet. Wyclef "My hips don't lie"
[cd in your stereo]: Kirk Franklin-his new it
[mood]: Happy and LOVIN life for real!!
[thing you ought to be doing]: Chillin with my Boy in the V ;-) (You know this)
[first crush]: Man one of my brothers friends from his little football or baseball team when I was little
[first kiss]: Aaron haha, that was a secret
[first love]: I don't know, Was it real?
[do you believe in love at first sight]: Yeaya, that connection maybe
[do you believe in "the one"]: Yes, he's going to come get his Princess haha
[are you a tease]: No R u?
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: Only if they go out of there way to make me happy, make me feel special, be faithful and wouldn't even think about hurtin me!!
[honest]: Yes
[sarcastic]: Not really
[a daydreamer]: Yes, all the time
[up tight or laid back]: laid back, chillin
[messy or organized]: both :-) I get tired of always cleaning up lol
[shy our outgoing]: Outgoing I love talking to people
[nervous habits]: Ummm I'm not sure
[are you double jointed]: yeaya
[can you roll your tongue]: yeaha
[do you make your bed daily]: NOOO
[which shoe goes on first]: doesn't matter
[bought something]: Yeah of course!
[been sick]: No thank God I just got over being sick...
[sang]: Yeah I've had a lot to sing about...
[missed someone]: Yeah...
[gotten drunk]: Nope
[gotten a haircut]: Nope
[watched cartoons]: Yeahhhh
[been kissed]: Nope
[lied]: No
[you spent the night with]: Ninabell Jackson haha
[spent the night with you]: No Comment
[saw you cry]: No Body I dont cry
[made you cry]: I dont cry over anyone
[you said "i love you" to]: My momma
[told you they loved you]: MY momma
[the best feeling in the world]: Living for God...
[the worst feeling in the world]: Being cheated on
[your greatest fear]: Falling too deep in love...
[the thing you want most in life]: Just be happy!
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