Experimental theatre, hard-hitting rockstar journalism, networked communication, bohdisattvas, imagery and symbolism, neural networks, quantum computing, silicon wafers and things contained therein, turning coal into diamonds
Good natured people.
"Pop Nerds: Identification: Pop Nerds have an abiding love of everything canonically agreed upon as great by their peers, none of whom they respect. Their own taste is unimpeachable, and everyone else's is dead wrong. They know more about bands they hate than you know about your favorite band. They know what label Jesus was on. They are torn between hating Rob Sheffield and secretly wanting to be him. They read books about books about music. Pop nerds are much more likely to be male than female, because boys have a far greater tendency toward wasting their lives in the pursuit of meaningless trivia. They fancy themselves as John Cusack from High Fidelity, but really they're a perfect mixture of Jack Black and the effeminate bald guy. They can be tough to spot in the wild, because they never leave their houses. The most effective way to identify a pop nerd, should you encounter one in the wild, is to ask him if he's heard of a made-up band. While any non-liar with nothing to prove would simply say "no," any nerd worth his salt would try to bullshit their way out of it. Musical Taste: They all like The Velvet Underground, unless you accuse them of liking the Velvet Underground, in which case they bust out their contingency plan about what a pathetic poseur Lou Reed was." -The Field Guide to North American Hipsters, Volume 1
Pretentious indie crap that everybody fawns over. Also movies about space, zombies, and space zombies.
The collective products of Williams Street
All of them except Dianetics because Dianetics was bullshit