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Meg Phillips

On with the dance, let joy be unconfined...

About Me

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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Meg
Date of Birth: October 13th.
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Fla.
Current Location: Harlem! Holla!
Eye Color: Azul.
Hair Color: Auburn
Height: 5'3"
Heritage: Irish/German/Dutch
Piercings: 6
Tattoos: Zero. I change my mind too much.
Band/Singer: Green Day/Josh Groban
Song: It changes all the time. Probably something from the 80's.
Movie: Currently, "Le Vie En Rose."
Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid.
TV show: "House," LOVE Hugh Laurie. Genius.
Color: Lime Green.
Food: Rosemary Chicken w/ avocado & tons of spices, garlic mashed potatoes w/ cream corn mixed in and chips & guacamole & salsa, an oreo milkshake from Applebee's, and strawberry Cheesecake. I love all food. Mmm!
Pizza topping: the meats--pepporoni, sausage & ham. =)
Ice-Cream Flavor: Cookies & cream w/ cookie dough mixed.
Drink (alcoholic): momoso or Razzmoploitan
Soda: If i still drank soda, it would be Cream :)
Store: wherever there's a sale.
Clothing Brand: doesn't matter.
Shoe Brand: Again, I don't care. I just like brightly colored pieces.
Season: Fall.
Month: hmm..December? I like the atmosphere around Xmas time.
Holiday/Festival: Christmas.
Flower: Sunflowers. You have to smile when you look at one. :)
Make-Up Item: Shimmer...i occassionally get carried away.
Board game: Clue.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: RAINY! I wish it rained everyday.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: uh..I guess fruit.
Night or day: Night--or really early morning :)
Sour or sweet: both! Sweet & sour!
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Depends on the person in question
Looks or personality: Usually Personality. Just being honest.
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: hot, unless I'm going to sleep. I need it freezing.
Goal for this year: Save money to go to LA.
Most missed memory: driving around on a freeway late at night with music blasting & the windows down.
Best physical feature: today? My hair!
First thought waking up: "I'm starving.."
Hypothetical personality disorder: crazy :)
Preferred type of plastic surgery: dental surgery to close my gap!
Sesame street alter ego: you know, I never watched Sesame Street..
Fairytale alter ego: what;s with the alter egos?
Most stupid remark: I usually have pretty inappropriate timing with when a friend goes to a funneral and I say, "Bye, have fun."
Worst crime: Vandilization. I didn't get caught though :)
Greatest ambition: To do everything.
Greatest fear: swimming next to a large ship in the ocean.
Darkest secret: now why would I tell you that? =)
Favorite subject: Any Genetics class/English.
Strangest received gift: lol oh man. I'll save that for another time.
Worst habit: Making plans & changing my mind. That's why I simply don't make plans anymore.
Do You:
Smoke: No.
Drink: Yep.
Curse: very rarely.
Shower daily: yep!
Like thunderstorms: LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Dance in the rain: Don't we all?
Sing: yep
Play an instrument: I haven't in a long time, but I used to play Violin.
Get along with your parents: My Dad.
Wish on stars: I never see any in the city!
Believe in fate: To an extent.
Believe in love at first sight: I've never had it happen to me.
Can You:
Drive: actually, no. Well, kind of. I just need to be reminded which is the gas, which is the break.
Sew: No, I should learn sometime.
Cook: I'm a oretty darn good Microwaver.
Speak another language: alittle Spanish & a little Japanese.
Dance: ghetto-style, yes!
Sing: sure, why not.?
Touch your nose with your tongue: I can!
Whistle: When I suck in..
Curl your tongue: yep. Did you know that it's a genetic trait?
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Indeed.
Been Stoned/High: yeah..
Eaten Sushi: Actually, no. Weird, eh?
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Yes
Made prank calls: Yes
Sent someone a love letter: Yes
Stolen something: Yes. But I felt bad and went back & returned it.
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Compliments given w/ hidden slaps in the face.
Are you right or left handed? Ambi, but I usually write right.
What is your bedtime? When I happen to fall asleep. Usually way too late.
Name three things you can't live without: Food, Friends & Love ( boring, i know.)
What is the color of your room? Royal Red. It's Asian--so lots of Royal Reds & Emerald Greens.
Do you have any siblings? Half sister, Ashley.
Do you have any pets? 3 Cats & 2 turtles. Pietra, Fatty McCloud & Jack. ( I dont know the turtle's
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No. Maybe a million & a half :)
What is you middle name? Christine.
What are you nicknames? Megz, Megalicious, Pinky, Gappy, Megalah & the list continues.
Are you for or against gay marriage? For. It doesn't effect anyone else except the couple directly involved.
What are your thoughts ..ion? I have a lot of thoughts on this that won't fit in the space provided.
Do you have a crush on anyone? yessire
Are you afraid of the dark? No, i love it :)
How do you want to die? I don't care as long as I had a good life leading up to it.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? A few boxes.. It was really hot out!
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes.
What is the last law you’ve broken? I probably just committed about 3 I was unaware of.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Usually on the darker side.
Eye color: Green/Blue
Height Doesn't matter. Short's cute. Tall's sexy.
Weight Average. Not too built. Really muscular freaks me out.
Most important physical feature: smile :)
Biggest turn-off No ambition.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at
The Opposite Sex:
Body or Face Face
Looks or Personality Personality. Charm can go a long way =)
Height Either Or. As long as they work it!
Weight skiny/average.
Hair Color Usually on the darker side.
Eye Color Color doesn't matter as much as what's behind them. lol, I'm good aren't I?
Most Important Physical Feature Eyes that smile
Good/Bad Traits
Funny Good!!! (As long as you can get past it once in awhile)
Loud Good in moderation.
Seductive That's not just good, that's great! :)
Quiet The quiet ones always have the most intriguing minds that you're dying to get inside.
Tall Good! They have a protective appeal when tall.
Short Good! They have a cute, I want to cuddle with you all day quality.
Athletic As long as I'm not expected to be athletic with them. :)
Fat If they can wear it well :)
Immature If it's balanced with a good degree of maturity.
Competitive To a degree.
Hyper I'm pretty hyper myself, so maybe not so much would be nice.
Smoker Ek! No!
Drinker Doesn't matter. Just don't condemn me.
Smart Definitely.
Dumb No.
Observant Yes.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comI'm Meg, more affectionately regarded as "Megz." I live in Harlem in good ol' NYC--very entertaining place to live, i must admit. In no other place is their fire hydrants running down the streets 24/7 w/ little kids bathing in its extreme water force. If you're female, you get "blessed" an awful lot by the local guys hanging out on the streets, (girls u know what i'm talking about). And if you're white like me, you get the adoring shoutouts of: "Hey whitey, yo snowball, sup casper?"..and that's w/ a tan. Never a dull moment. As for what I'm into--I guess that's pretty much everything. I like to keep busy and experience a lot, which results in finding myself in some very interesting situations, but hey, im not complaining. I'm spontaneous & usually drive people nuts when it comes to plans because I hate making them. I just like doing what I feel up to doing in the moment & im sorry if any of you have been on the recieving end of my crazy impulsiveness :) Traveling is #1 for me though--anywhere and everywhere. I would love to dedicate my life to traveling the world & hopefully, in due time, I'll have that chance.

My Interests

traveling, planes, writing, acting, singing, thunderstorms, smell of rain, reading, pepperoni pizza, White Rose $1.99 Pints of Ice Cream, road trips, trying to dance, strolling aimlessly, movies, shopping, people watching, House, Green Day, glitter, silver, Godiva, chocolate covered strawberries, friendship (this should be higher on the list), colored lights, The Met, street performers, big jewelry, mismatched clothing, smell of bonfires, roasted peanuts, Hugh Laurie, Phillies baseball games, traveling, hair dye, Anything Green Tea, sunrises/sunsets, energy, chaos, yoga, sugar(in any form), Late Nite, mystery, discovery, sand, Frapps, Jamba Juice, jeweled shoes, pusswah.

I'd like to meet:

Hugh Laurie. Rawr!
I took the " The Aura Color Personality " quiz on
My aura is...

Are you blue? No worries--having a blue aura does not condemn one to a life of sorrow. But those with blue auras are some of the most emotional people on the planet. Blues are quite sensitive to other people's feelings... Read more ...

What color is your aura?

I took the " Chinese Elements " quiz on
I am...

The ancient Yin-Yang scholars saw fire types as adventure-seekers who like constant change. Do you love a good party--and sometimes getting into a little trouble? Fire people have a way with words and friends enjoy listening to their stories nearly as much as they enjoy telling them. Read more ...

What chinese element are you?

I took the " the animal attraction " quiz on
I date like an...
Odd Bowerbird

Some of your friends think you've flown the coop because you're an odd bird who is constantly challenging the commonly accepted rules of relationships. You don't believe in silly notions like who's-supposed-to-ask-out-who and you probably find traditional gender roles to be tres passe. Read more ...

What's your animal attraction dating style?


Green Day, Madonna, Gin Blossoms, Relient K, Spin Doctors, Jennifer Paige, Everclear, Cardigans, Sister Hazel, Hootie & the Blowfish, Real McCoy, Counting Crows, Del Amitri, Michael Jackson, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Pat Benetar The Doors, The Beatles, Josh Grobin, Jason Mraz, Eminem, The Coasters, The Supremes, Ted Keegan, Beck, Modest Mouse, Franz, The Offspring, Vanilla Ice (unfortunately, im not kidding), Diana Ross, Sublime, The Killers, Sum 41, Story of The Year, Jack Johnson, Deftones, The White Stripes, Eve 6, R.E.M., Tom Petty, Third Eye Blind, Shakira...the list goes on.


American History X. Stand By Me. The Lives of Others. The Treatment. Crash. Philadelphia. Monster. The Notebook. Miss Julie. One Flew Over the Cuckcoo's Nest. The Dreamers. Amelie. Say Anything. Newsies. The Cook the thief his wife and her lover. Nine Dead Gay Guys. Shawshank Redemption. Rat Race. Moulin Rouge.


House, The Simpsons, Family Guy & Unsolved Mysteries.


1984. The Gun Seller. Running with Scissors. Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Lucky Man (Michael J. Fox memoir). An American Tragedy. White Noise. Perfume. Molecules of Emotion. Acid Drop.


People who make a difference in the world & dont need everyone to recognize it.

My Blog

Hole in the Belly!

Math has never been my strong suite, but I discovered an equation with a surprising solution:Bored Meg + Bored Shayna = Dallas BBQDallas BBQ - Food = Texas-Sized Margari...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:32:00 PST

I've been Hacked!

Okay Kiddies, Apparently my MySpace was recently hacked--how and by who I dont know and really dont care. I think its rather funny, especially the messages I wrote about the "FREE CONDOMS HERE." Oh h...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:08:00 PST

Barefoot in the snow

Evidently I am not female, nor do I have female feet. Heels and me do not fit together. Infact, we  not only dont fit together, but when put together for too long of a period, we start to rub up ...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:47:00 PST

Heats out!!

yay for the boilers not working in our apartment!! A few nights back the boiler spewed steam at me, filling my room and making it a sauna! Today, it wont turn on. So Im pretty much living in the artic...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:34:00 PST

American Idol

OKAY, so EVERYONE needs to watch American Idol w/ the sound turned off. I'm at work and its on, but I cant listen to it due to the bumping techno music we're blasting. At first, I thought, "what the h...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 06:49:00 PST

Tred Mill Experiment

So, for those of you who've read the survey I posted, one of the questions was "have you ever sat on a tred mill while it was on?" I thought to myself, "what a novel Idea? i need to try it." My re...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:21:00 PST

yes/no survey

  Rule #1: You can only say Yes or No! Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks! Q: Kissed someone on your top friends, (even on the cheek counts)? ...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:50:00 PST

stupid STUPID Meg

Haha. Okay, so I'm officially a loser. I was browsing through comments on Jana's page (a loser thing to do off the bat..) Then I found an AMAZING picture Stef H. posted w/ two significantly obese wome...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 02:16:00 PST

Upcoming Shows!

Hey guys! I just wanted to keep you updated and inform you of shows I'm doing that you should all attend because you love me oh so very much! So here they are: The Michael Chekhov Theatre Company pres...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 02:04:00 PST

Note to the Fellas

Ok guys, listen up. When hitting on a girl, don't say: "You have really NICE EYES.. they remind me of mine." Essentially, you're hitting on yourself. Don't compliment someone and indirectly compliment...
Posted by Meg Phillips on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 06:10:00 PST