About Me
What is life...I tried many times before to write, but without any luck..Until I realized that, once again, I didn't have to obey any rules, especially on how to write, because I write about my thoughts.. I am not a writer, and I don't have to pretend to be one, in order to write. I am writing for myself and I believe that people are not perfect.I am thinking that the meaning of life is like a ball of wool. In the center I imagine to be the Real Truth. If someone tries to reach the center, there is no longer a ball of wool, just a pile of threads. It would have destroyed, lost the meaning of life. So it is up to anyone to choose. Because I believe that life would have no meaning at all if you got all the answers. After all if man was meant to reach the Absolute Truth, he would have done so. But I think man is very "young" still. He would have to expand his mind in order to decide when he is ready to do it. Think about a mother holding her baby in her arms and suddenly a strong cold wind starts to blow. The mother tries to hold her baby closer, to protect it from the cold. The baby realizes that something is happening and wants to find out what, but the mother tries to keep him protected.That's exactly what modern man should realize...when it windy outside, and when it is not. Maybe when the wind stops we would be allowed to look at the Sun - Truth of the face.Anyway, I for once in my life, feel safe in this bossom..Because the more questions I answer the more I am relishing than it is windy out there, and I hate the wind, I can't stand it.You have to appreciate the things you have, the things you know. Leave the Truth for someone who has the guts to know. Because knowing the Truth is a great thing...But that doesn't mean that we have to give up. We have to investigate. It is our duty and choice to reach the limits of brain. To reach to the end. To squeeze life and everything that has to offer, show and teach us to the very last drop. To embrace the gift called life and everything that brings with it. I think I am in the way of accomplishing that. I’m beginning to realize the strength in me and in other people too..I will try to explain in what kind of people I belong to...We are few..see us, we are the kind of people you want to hear all the time talking once you hear them for the first time..We are (in general) peaceful..We are not behaving bossy in our place of work..We rarely shout and call names, unless it's for fun..We don't feel stressed (much!!!)..We are sensitive..We get emotional easily..We like strange things, strange songs, strange colors, strange flowers and we don't follow trends. Sometimes you are quite surprised from the things we do..Sometimes we orbit in our own universe..But most of the time we behave like normal people, just not your kind of normal.We know things you don't know..We see things you don't see..We hear things you don't hear and all these, not because we are something special, just because you never had the time or the mood to see and hear them too. We know all the shades of blue the sky has, because we are always looking up..We know how a person feels, because we love all the people and all their reactions..We have studied the thing they call soul..We talk to shadows you have never seen.. We don't like killing animals, not even roaches..We hate pestasites..We love nature..When the sun comes out after the clouds we secretly smile..When it rains, we like walking under the rain without an umbrella..We are smarter than you think..We like discussing with odd people that you think are crazy..We are ourselves..We are consciously pretending to be something else so that you don't notices us..A message to all those money slaves and to all that consider money to be everything in life..You' ve got money, you are plotting against humanity, you have made a "good name" for yourselves.. You are using us. But we got one thing you can't take from us or destroy. Your money or your power, you can loose. We got our power inside. None can touch it and that makes us stronger than you, but you don't know that.It will come a time when we will become more, many more and you won't be able to stop us..We have limitless hope and love, deep, deep inside us..We believe in things you are afraid of and we are living among you, as you are living among us..COME AND GET US!!A message to you few people that you are like me... Don't you, sometimes, have the feeling that your whole life is a movie?? That there is always someone or more than one that watches you, that they might even know what you are thinking? Are there some things you are afraid to do, even when you are alone, with none there to see? I feel that a lot, especially when odd things happen to me, like when I'm looking around searching for something I already got in my hands..or when I get up in the morning and nothing seems to be right.. or when I'm searching in a pile of things for something that I always find in the bottom.. when I have those moments of scenes you think you have lived before.. when I dance and loose myself in the beat of a song and notice someone notices me trying to make something out of me..I'm thinking that my life to all these "unknown spectators", sometimes is a comedy film, sometimes a Spanish comedy series and sometimes _thank God_ a drama. And I'm thinking I shouldn't let them down, maybe I should give them something more, maybe someone made them to see the movie, or maybe they have even paid to see it. Then I think the movie's title is my name and the theater that it is played is called "Paradise" and all the viewers wear white, and when I'm "gone", the viewers will become judges...and the salvation of my soul depends on how many Oscars my movie scored.. For that reason, I will try to make my movie a great blockbuster, so that none will go to have popcorn in the middle, so that they get up on their seats and applause at the end, even if they can't remember the title later..In that same logic, we all are stars, and the "movie" "The beggar at the corner", gets more Oscars than mine.. Only the guys in white know and the owner of the theater.. For those of you that you have read these lines and followed the flow of my thoughts, you understand by now that our duty calls us..Just like superman.. Pretend that you are normal, play their game,because we know how to play in it and good luck!!!Ok...I'm finished with wishing you a "good luck"..It made me think about that big, big case of someone being happy, and this whole thing about Happiness..Everybody is seeking happiness, or better, demanding happiness, like if happiness is something material and something that you must have.. For me happiness is just something literature came up with.. There isn't such a thing like permanent and constant happiness (we haven't signed a contract about being happy for a lifetime) and it won't be.. I'll tell you one big secret, something my mother once told me, but I couldn't understand back then what she meant.."Happiness is moments, or better of, little moments". Happiness is in the little, simple things that makes us happy at the time they happen. A song that makes you feel soooooooooooo good when you listen to it, a little gift, a good deed, a fruit, a cool breeze, a friendly line, a hope you will give to someone, a positive decision, a beautiful landscape,a carefree sunset, a picture, a kiss to your loved one, a great party, a joke, etc. Happiness is small moments that keep passing by, because life is moving, we are moving. So if the meaning of life is happiness and happiness is just moments, then the meaning of life lies in those moments. I wonder how many of you are living your moments without really noticing the "meaning" of the moment.I, for once, am living my every moment. But without doing anything reckless, meaning that I never do something that will make me or others around me sad. I want during my lifetime to be OK with myself and the others around me. Evil does not exist by itself, we make it happen. There is not such thing as evil people (so that you can put them to the other side and play the hero in the movie), there are stupid people. Evil is stupidity, and stupidity can really be very dangerous and is always ready to be in your way. When we see stupidity around us we must ignore it, pretend that isn't even there and not trying to change it, because that is really really stupid for us. Instead we must try to find out what makes us stupid sometimes, but not for changing it, just to locate it in us, because that immediately will mean that we are not stupid (anymore)...Be well, and "Good Luck"..............Mr. Doddy!Hello Music Friends!!!
My Name Is Dimitris And I'm From Beautiful ThessalonÃki(Greece). I Playing Music 14Years Now. And My Style Is Progressive Trance And Atmosphefric Sounds, And Last 6 Years I'm Involved With Production Too.So I'm In Love With Music!! For My Videos Www.youtube.com/djdoddy....