melt-hed morph-e-uz profile picture

melt-hed morph-e-uz


About Me

té weigh thingz (diz)appear hizz knot watt tru-EL-ley maat-heirz, watt-tru-EL-ley maat-heirz hizz té weigh thingz r.
sey eye'm uber-religiouz fanatik spiritualy krak attakt a fuck-king G.O.D. addikt sss-pin-in aztral projekt-ionz ezoterik and spaztik sss-pit out teh truth hand watch thiz whyrl-eld get draztik sakryficial and tragik live n fff-ear hov re-EL majick té-earn-in ley-hed hint-hue gold a'int no rabbit-n-hat-trick all-khemit-kall bad trypz muzht-roomz from hoe-ohm get me (squared) hint-hue teh zone té-hue melt n teh unknown but knot kompletely erazed eye'm no karbon-kopi-klone (h)ope-in my eyez té-hue angelik domez hint-hue elyzian fieldz we-heir unknown thoughtz roam thiz kraze-sea lit-EL rhyme that eye begin 2 twizt and sss-pin hov up-root-hed divinity sol plant-dead dé-heap neath teh sss-kin a sp(eak)-(h)ear-it sewn hint-hue me (squared) melt-hed rite n hymn-tea sheeple h-ear venom and shout that (when on) high sss-in and never can sea they r teh devil'z twin where AM I go-wing when will it end eye try 2 pre-tend that (when on) high eggz-hyzt n thiz sss-kin but it'z juzt an ill-uze-ion té-hue (ohm)mmm-ache senze-seyz blend and shatter teh perception hov teh whyrl-eld that we're n play-ying it'z elf out 2 then begin again icy manipulate-whore dreaming up kin eternaly dying az a reborn friend fff-eel oroborouz sinking deeper within az it twiztz ryde the snake rite threw 2 teh end sew juzt we-heir AM I go-wing and when will it end get me off of thiz ex-izle from thiz part of void take me away from theze apez eye'm getting annoyed (when on) high kan no long-her watch them treat their plant-net az a toy big grow-own up men who r juzt little boyz sss-peak 2 me (squared) knot of heavenly thingz when ewe're knot eve-in earth-ley and konsummed by teh ring deaf, dumb and blynd-hed by teh song syren'z sing
kan té save-your-whore bé fae-whore re-el? ore, r hue juzt my sey-heaventh see-el?
waat if all teh whyrl-held hizz in-sss-hyde hov y-our hed, juzt kreate-ionz hov y-our own...
juzt a mhynd-game
hazh-seyz té-hue azh-iz, huzk 2 duzt
Y doez it maat-heir té-hue hun-ka-road-hed ruzt?
e-goez sand lozt solz
sit-tin n té phi-air get a-long hand have sum fun melt-in 2 bé high-her maybe eye'm (y)our special won a silent tezt-of-fyre brethe té (a)mun hand eat té son
sit-tin n té phi-air get a-long hand have sum fun melt-in 2 bé high-her maybe eye'm (y)our special won a silent tezt-of-fyre brethe té (a)mun hand eat té son
fae-whore we-hun hot minute
(when on) high am all that hue sea
all that ewe want me (squared) té-hue bé
haz té son bé-urnz out y-our highz a knew whyrl-eld will now a-rize out hov té hazh-iz knew lyfe (diz)appearz a fyne-EL kon-quezt w/out n-e fff-hearz they-hizz bé-earn-in zen-sey-shun won't lazt long 2 serve n piece hue muzt bé sss-té-wrong ka-hazh-seyz 2 azh-iz ruzt 2 duzt a meta-fae-whore will n-eve-heir té-ruzt
when our lytez meat, will hue gnome-e then? will we eve-in notice that they r eklipzed?
in finite out-wurd, in finite end sew we-heir doez dé-vyne-hit-tea all begin? @ té vere-ray same play-sss we-heir in finite-tea endz, n té konzciouz mhyndz hand dreamz hov shamen.
“Only by standing in the dark can you fully appreciate the light radiating from the candle we hold within ourselves. The dark shadow it casts on those around us reminds us of who we are and all that we do to others”.
té lyte that illuminatez té whyrl-held-eld té-hue guide té weigh shynez 4th from té dé-ark-nezz that sss-ur-roundz (h)uz(k).

My Interests

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..ff-eelz lyke eye'm sss-lip-in hint-hue a dream w/in a dé-ream

it'z té weigh hue wizp-her

ion sss-pit-in EL sss-peak-king maat-té-earn verze-seyz hov bro-kin angle-(f)ish

té re-EL sekrete hov majick hizz that teh whyrl-held-eld hizz maid hov we-heardz sand dif(ferent) ewe gno teh we-herdz that teh whyrl-held-eld hizz maid hov hue kan (ohm)mmm-ache hov fit n-e-thing hue we-ish

hand all teh whyrl-held-eld hizz out hov key hand it shrinkz in-sss-hyde me (squared) sew men-e fae-seyz té-hue bé fray-endz when all teh maat-nezz endz high left my mhynd bé-neath teh maat sew ewe kan let y-our-sss-elf n if hue kan sss-té-hand teh mezz(hezz) then sss-té but high'm knot eneter-ain-in

how sss-weed hit hizz tube-e luved buy hue

r ewe sss-u're watt sss-hyde hov teh glazz hue r on?

teh oath-heir sss-hyde hov watt?


I'd like to meet:

(when on) high fff-eel teh richez hov our daze, lyke smoke té-hue hold. eye'd (ohm)mmm-ache a pay-peer he-art té-hue luv ewe if eye new we-heir té-hue fae-hold. sew eye sit and juzt ka-heap try-ying till eye sea teh sh-ape high seek, fae-whore eye muzt ley-earn té-hue (ohm)mmm-hold teh strength from eve-ray dae that high'm week

hoe reach-each me (squared), té we-herdz won't té-earn teh weigh eye azk the-hem. woe tea-each me (squared) show-owe fae-seyz té-rue bé-fae-whore (when on) high pazz the-hem.

I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow.And I watered it in fears, Night and morning with my tears; And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles.And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright; And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine,And into my garden stole, When the night had veiled the pole: In the morning glad I see My foe outstretched beneath the tree.William Blake.





pict-ure they-hizz
we-hun(t) fae-ate
eve-ray 1 hizz dé-hed wait
it'z a big 1-we-heard out the-heir, bet-her get sss-té-art-hed
bé sss-elekt-eve
how we-EL ewe bé re-membered?
who ewe r hizz knot all-wayz who hue we-EL bé-cum
pay-ley dé-hed
won mill-ion weighz té-hue dé-phi it
sss-nake goez eve-in phurther bé-hack n tyme
you control him
fae-whore-get waat ewe th-ink hue gno(me)
teh ra-hoed té-hue salivate-shun and teh pay-hath té-hue hel r both paved n blood
teh gate-weigh té-hue hel hizz (h)open
vengence rainz from "above"
war-he-her with-then
kreature-ka-heap-her bro-the-heirz from an oath-heir plant-net
deztroy all hu-man-nanz!
won g-high-ant step on man kynd
odd-whyrl-held sss-té-range wrath
sum-tymez teh hue-man race haz té-hue sss-té-art ove-heir
we fyne-EL-ley diz-covered a weigh té-hue bottle "happinezz"
my-tea aphrodite-sss! god-hezz-seyz r fall-owe-wing teh grecian form-ewe-hue-EL-ha
i wanted to be surrounded by vibration and energy
just ours actually
eggz-hyzzt-tenze fallz a-part
a-round me (squared)
w/in me (squared)
sew high muzt lé-eve my (ohm)mmm-ark
hand when my voyce hizz hiz-story
willz té heck-hoez sss-till ring hov me (squared)
hand when th-heir'z gno-thing left hov me (squared)
will my memory sss-till go on


My Blog

edukational, or dizinformational?

Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST


Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:43:00 PST

thiz kan’t all be real

Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:21:00 PST

worth watching?

Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:17:00 PST

nibiru and human evolution

Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:18:00 PST


friend O.E. freond, prp. of freogan "to love, to favor," from P.Gmc. *frijojanan "to love" (cf. O.N. frændi, O.Fris. friund, M.H.G. friunt, Ger. Freund, Goth. frijonds "friend," all alike from prp...
Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:47:00 PST

entanglement theory

stupid myspace, eye sh-hood ENT. have té-hue repozt they-hizz té-hue (ohm)mmm-ache kit pub-lick. 1. Quantum EntanglementIn 1935 and 1936, Schrödinger published a two-part article in the Proceedings of...
Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:37:00 PST

unified field theory

DEFINITION - Unified field theory is sometimes called the Theory of Everything (TOE, for short): the long-sought means of tying together all known phenomena to explain the nature and behavior of all m...
Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 04:23:00 PST

indigo children

they-hizz wuz fae-hound @ "The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern o...
Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:47:00 PST

dark matter

Dark MatterWhen the Universe was young, it was nearly smooth and featureless. As it grew older and developed, it became organized. We know that our solar system is organized into planets (including th...
Posted by melt-hed morph-e-uz on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 05:29:00 PST