Music, People, Bands, Movies, Surfing, Skiing, Volleyball, Beaches, Places people scarcely travel to or find, random directions and a bit of driving, billiards, and more than I can remember right now at 1am! Just ask - I have many interests and I am usually willing to try something once!
K - Reader's digest verion - Rock, Rock, Metal, Rock, Alternative, Rock, and the various genres and sub-genres within.
YES! Too many to list - Comedy, Action, Adventure, Romance, Surprise endings that I couldn't see coming, unpredictability!
What's that?
After a year of not having to read textbooks - I finally started picking up books for enjoyment again. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is very good. I also enjoy books by John Maxwell, Michael Stackpole, R.A. Salvatore, Gary Chapman, Joshua Harris, and anything else that either gives way to interesting stories or ways to improve leadership, relationships, and personal skills!
Wow - so many - ask me for the stories.