Josh FTW profile picture

Josh FTW

PRJake, I can rely on you. Please make this old man's wishes come true!

About Me

Gotta hawk, listen to music. Call me what you will. I hate drugs, but love hardcore punk rock. Figure that one out. Im an ass. I hate fat chicks, kids, our president, religion, and feminists. I do however like 4wheelin with my yotas, going to an ocasional movie, meeting new people, and going to shows. Dont forget drinking. Like all good punkers, I love to do that. Hangin with my crew, the Northwest Downstarts, and playing in my metal band, Dead End.Im tired of goddamn scene emo kids, and everything they have done to Punk Rock. Hawthorne Heights, Coheed in Cambria, and MXPX are NOT PUNK. Nor is the Casualties...they are merely a drunk hot topic band.AND GODAMMIT PEOPLE! UNLESS YOU ARE A GOOD LOOKIN GIRL OR I KNOW YOU...stop just adding me without messaging me. Just an ADD=Deny. Fucking losers. And if you have more than 300 friends, dont bother. It means you are a myspace whore. and I hate that...

My Interests

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, Lenore?, This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!" Merely this, and nothing more.


I'd like to meet:

Well, since I already found a hot girl, i suppose I'd just like to meet some fellow punkers and skins. Punk is a dying breed these days, over taken by posers and scene emo kids who think its cool to wear their girlfriends pants.AIM Deathcougar to chat.Canada finally figures it out


Choking Victim, Agnostic Front, Leftover Crack, Hollowpoints, Sadie hawkins Rejects, Oi Polloi, Nekromantix, Horrorpops, Black rose phantoms, Positively Negative, Cocksparrer, Blanks 77, Total Chaos, Conflict, Red White and Die, Motorhead, The briggs, The restarts, Resiliance, Cockney Rejects, and various other oi/gutter stylings.Pretty much i like to listen to Oi, Gutter, Street, Crust, Psychobilly, Irish Folk, Classical, Old Jazz, Bluegrass. Im a punker at heart (and none of this pop-punk-emo shit) but I like all kinds of music.


Seven, Dark City, Monty Python, Romper Stomper, American History X, Redneck Zombies, Suicide Kings, The godfather, Lord of the Rings, Killer Klowns from outer space, Boondock Saints, Amen, Master and Commander, Finding Nemo, Emporers New Groove, Shrek, The believer, Saving Private Ryan, Dday, most any war movie (Blackhawk down, Apocolypse now, etc).. width="425" height="350" ....


Television? What the hell is that? Is that some kind of new fangled plowing attachment? I dont think we get "T.V." up here in Arlington.


The man in Black. Also, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Artie Shaw, Jaun Tizol, Lionel Hampton, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, and BACON DAVE!

My Blog

And the biggest idiot of the year award goes to....

Why me of course.For some reason, I thought the flagger had already thrown the white flag, and thus thought the white flag he actually WAS throwing, was the Checkerd. Needless to say, I gave up 3rd pl...
Posted by Josh FTW on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:05:00 PST


2:52 am and I am not even allowed in my own room. Which I pay rent for. How quaint.
Posted by Josh FTW on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 02:53:00 PST

D-bag Racing

Hope to be getting a team together next year with Clinton, Dick, Bobby and some others. Wiltses back in Demo derbys? OH YEA BABYBobby running crash cars? OH YEA BABYClinton racing....uh.......faster!!...
Posted by Josh FTW on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:26:00 PST

Lifes interesting choices

Short of making this into a rant regarding life and its meanings, i want to rant none the less. Sometimes, my mind is boggled at the choices we as humans make. We make choices that everyone around us ...
Posted by Josh FTW on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:22:00 PST

Project Update

Project StatusHornet Car: DoneStinger8 Car: Needs TPS, but runs!MR2: Done89 4Runner: Needs trim fix and front end aligned, then doneI am so happy to be done fixing MR2's.Of course, now I have to do a ...
Posted by Josh FTW on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:45:00 PST

Yet another thing I really hate

When someone tells you something, and its so completely untrue, they believe it themselves.Whoever fucked with my computer...I shall not point fingers at this time....DONT FUCKING DO IT AGAIN. You kno...
Posted by Josh FTW on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 09:45:00 PST

Monsters of Midway

So since the Hawks fucked it up, and didn't make it to the superbowl, im rootin for my second favorite team. DA BEARS!! And I'll be watching the game on a 52" high def panasonic plasma tv.I'll put on ...
Posted by Josh FTW on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 10:01:00 PST

So tomorrow is teh thanksgiving

And I realize I have a great many things to be thankful for.I'll spare you all the sappy crappy details, but suffice to say one person in particular fits into this catagory, and she knows who she is. ...
Posted by Josh FTW on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 02:01:00 PST

Just about tired of THIS shit, lemme tell ya

People, if you make plans, DONT BACK OUT AT THE LAST SECOND!This shit happened THREE fucking times in the last 2 days. FUCK. Im tired of going out of my way for people, only to get stepped on in the e...
Posted by Josh FTW on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 07:24:00 PST

July 4th...You're Invited!

SHindig at my place. Msg me if you are interested. Its sorta low key, so im not bothering with the invitations. Im sure you know if you are welcome or not, as pretty much everyone on my list is.BeerBB...
Posted by Josh FTW on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:41:00 PST