pigeon profile picture


i'm sorry, this is my first day as a fake scientist.

About Me

DIRECTIONSTo decrease your already small chance of becoming a victim of a shark attack, observe the following rules:1. Always swim in a group. Sharks most often attack lone individuals.2. Avoid the water at night, dawn, or dusk. Many sharks are most active at these times and are better able to find you than you are to see them.3. Don't enter the water if bleeding. Sharks can smell and taste blood, and trace it back to its source.4. Don't wear shiny jewelry. The reflected light looks like shining fish scales.5. Don't go into waters containing sewage. Sewage attracts bait fishes, which in turn attract sharks.6. Avoid waters being fished and those with lots of bait fishes. Diving seabirds are good indicators of such activities.7. Don't enter the water if sharks are present. Leave immediately if sharks are seen.8. Avoid an uneven tan and brightly colored clothing. Sharks see contrast particularly well, so use extra caution when waters are cloudy.9. Don't splash a lot. Also, keep pets out of the water. Erratic movements can attract sharks.10. Use care near sandbars or steep drop-offs. These are favorite hangouts for sharks.11. Don't relax just because porpoises are nearby. Sightings of porpoises do not indicate the absence of sharks. Both often eat the same foods.12. Don't try to touch a shark if you see one!

My Interests

music. i do enjoy a bit of good metal (and some bad)... i've been playing bass for a few years now and i like playing music with the guys (plus little miss heidi). i try to get out and see local shows as often as i can manage. i like to drink the beer. i love a cold tiled bathroom floor on those hung-over mornings... i have found that otter pops are good for those situations as well. i am pigeon toed and often trip over my own feet. i am a big fan of road trips. i work in the cafe in easy street records... i really like my job, but i usually would rather be somewhere else. eating cheese is a mild addiction. i am very gullible. i often pick my nose when i think no one's looking... i enjoy pho, secret missions, sleeping in, the occasional challenge, old rusty cars, wood-chippers, and jousting. i like to eat ice cream and i really enjoy a nice pair of socks. i also enjoy taking candy from children and then pushing them in the mud... PIRATES! they are always interesting. ummm, you know... other stuff.

I'd like to meet:

........predator. perhaps a pack of wild goats... maybe also some fine honeys to clean my house would be nice... a viking. a toaster that doubles as a cell phone. you know, the usual.


music hurts my little ears...


Ed: Ever wonder why people wear clothes?____ Rubin: Nope.____ Ed: But... well, look at it this way. Man's best friend is his apparel. Now, you start to dress for success, and you will score with the babes, and make the big bucks. You gotta admit that's true!____ Rubin: I don't have to admit that.____ Ed: You have to admit that!____ Rubin: No, I don't!____ Ed: Yes, you do!____ Rubin: I don't have to admit anything!____ Ed: You have to admit there's hair on your head!____ Rubin: No, I don't!____ Ed: Yes, you do! You have to admit that!____ Rubin: No, I don't!____ Ed: But you have to admit your cat's dead! He's deader than a doornail! That cat is colder than a well digger's ass! Pretty hard to deny that isn't it, Mr. Smartypants? Yep. Deceased. El morto. No more Mr. Kittycat.


i can't reach the tv...


noun 1. *a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. *a literary composition that is published or intended for publication as such a work. *(the books) used to refer to studying. *the libretto of an opera or musical, or the script of a play. *a bookmaker's record of bets accepted and money paid out. *a set of tickets, stamps, matches, checks, samples of cloth, etc., bound together. *the first six tricks taken by the declarer in a hand of bridge. verb [trans.] 1. reserve (accommodations, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance. *engage (a performer or guest) for an occasion or event. *make an official record of the name and other personal details of (a criminal suspect or offender).rats don't know how to read, stupid.


ross krinsky is my hero for being the toughest little bastard I know… =ross =me/mikey =scatha =james/me =Jessie =me/katie =scatha =lethal attak =Richard =jt =me/steph =sheryl =fish/me/jacob =ocean/nicky =Kevin =gabe =ross/nick =steph =casey =josh/me =kaija/me =fish/me =kasey/holly =tony/ryan/heidi =ocean =sweetpea =heidi =steph/holly/me =Chelsea/me/Katie =scatha =me/fish =moe =nicky =katie/fish/megan =holly =pj/brett =dillen/me =john/david/doug =me =kaija/casey =casey/fish/ocean =joe =Harrison/kevin =sarah/me =Chelsea/me =the homies =Katie =fish =lucas/harrison =me+drunk =me/fish

My Blog

two thumbs up!

> ...
Posted by pigeon on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:35:00 PST