Bethaleena profile picture


Gone all weekend bitches!!

About Me

What Kind of Rebel Are You?
The Unintentional Rebel
People are both shocked and attracted to you because your talents and point of view differs from the norm. However, you did not set out in life to be a rebel, it a label that sort of fell onto you. But this is not to say you don't OWN the classification. You are a leader and inspire others to follow his/her own path as well. You don't make apologies for who you are but you are still full of style and grace.
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What kind of lips do you have? *PICS!*

Voluptuous Lips
Your lips are Voluptuous. Everytime a guy looks at you all they see is your beautiful lips! Your very senstive and know how to make anyone feel happy.
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Where Should You Vacation?

The Cosmopolitan Cutie vacation package has your name on it!
Your good time requires lights, cameras, and action. You do not like to waste your time sitting around when there is a whole world out there! You tend to exert more energy while away than when at home. You love music, the nightlife and meeting new people! When you are traveling, you feel that the possibilities are endless. You believe the best of everything is out there, and your journeys are intended for a piece of that pie! Next trip be sure to visit one of the following: New York City, New York; Los Angeles, California; South Beach, Florida; Orlando, Florida; London, England; Paris, France; Barcelona, Spain; Tokyo, Japan!
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My Interests

Outdoors, Animals, Music, Friends, Food

I'd like to meet:

Fun people who like to go out and do stuff... Oh and no people that are uber clicky like most KTown people! Oh and if you don't plan on ever talking to me.. don't bother adding me.. my list is full of people who haven't EVER sent one message.. Thanks :)


Pretty much everything


Action, Horror, Comedy


CSI, Without a Trace, Law & Order, Cold Case, Criminal Minds


You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down. What Mixed Drink Are You?


These cute lil guys are my heroes