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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About me:

As a kid growing up in Los Angeles, California. Rainey never thought about working as an hair artist on the movie sets of today's stars, and the dream to be like her father Mr. Ken following in his footsteps by doing celebrity clientele was her ultimate goal.
Rainey, has made her mark on screens both big and small and behind the scenes-along side her father Mr. Ken who has been an hair artist for over 25 years. He creates looks for Denzel Washington, for " Mississippi Masala ", " Ricochet ", " Malcolm X ", " Philadelphia ", " Virtuosity", " Devil in A Blue Dress", " Crimson Tide", " The Pelican Brief ", " The Siege ", " Fallen ", " Courage Under Fire", " The Bone Collector ", " The Preacher's Wife ", " The Hurricane", " Remember The Titans ", " Training Day ", " The Antwone Fisher Story ", " Inside Man ", " Deja Vu ", currently In-Development " American Gangster ", starring Denzel Washington set debut 2007" ...Will Smith for the movie " Ali ", " Hitch ",... Harrison Ford, for " Hollywood Homicide", Queen Latifah for " Taxi ", Bruce Willis for the movie " Tears Of The Sun ", " Hostage ", Melanie Griffith for the movie " Crazy In Alabama ", " Forever Lulu ", Laurence Fishburne for the movie " Hoodlum ", " Akeelah And The Bee ", "Vivica A Fox", "Shery Lee Ralph", "Vanessa Williams"
I put a lot of time (cumulatively--I'm always adding more and more, so please check back now and then for updates!) into writing all this and, plus, answering redundant questions that have already been answered on here is getting a quite, um, tiresome--to put it politely. My guess is that some guys just see any old cute girl and want to send her a message right away without really *taking the time* to read about her and get to know her. These same guys always write that they "want to get to know you as a person." Some people were born yesterday, I'm 35 (that's over 9,135 yesterdays ago for the mathematically disinclined). Somehow, I kinda doubt the sincerity of those writers who say they want to get to know my "personality" when the answers to the questions they're asking are printed right here in black & white. These are probably the same guys who say they read Playboy for the articles when we all know that they're just focused on the pictures. Hello? *waving* there's a person in here, and if you really want to get to know me-- please, look down. (-_^)
Also, I do read ALL of my notes and I really do try to respond to each and every of them, but you have to understand that I get so many messages every day! The ladies always get first priority, then....well, then I usually reply to the ones that pique my interest and have something meaningful to say. If you've asked something that's already been answered on here, that pretty guarantees a no reply. Jesus, let me spell this out for you guys:
You know, you could have just read my profile and learned this yourself. I know it's long but if you don't even bother to read it, then you probably just wanna befriend me for my looks and I don't need friends like that....I mean, what the heck would we do? Just sit there and stare at each other all day??? Oh wheee, let me get my popcorn. Will there be an intermission? What if I have to pee? Gee, it sounds so exciting, I can't wait.
Oh, and please stop being rude and insulting my intelligence because I failed to give you a reply longer than one sentence, it's not because I'm stupid. How the heck else do you expect me to reply to:
"Hey, I think you're hot!"
But, don't get me wrong, the majority of messages are really sweet, interesting, and funny but it's just that the level of retarded messages I've been receiving has just exceeded my level of tolerance. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude but some of you MEN are so whiney, you must work at a winery or something. Oh and the ironic part is, the whiney guys are the big, rough-around-the-edges, manly-looking types. I know you've heard this a million times but that's only because it still can't be proven untrue...never judge a book by its cover! (^_^)
Let me add that the biggest pussies are the guys who feel the need to hate on girls. Ask youself, what kind of guys write insulting emails to girls they've never met in their lives? WTF? Leave the catty-business to the girls, you're a man for Christ's sake! These girlie boys have no business acting catty, Jesus, I thought only girls did that?? Maybe it's some kind of intrinsic angst they feel because they know a quality girl will never give their jobless, psycho, temperamental sorry asses a second look. I think the girls know the type I'm talking about, once they know they can't have you, they start putting you down....splineless and pathetic.
You know, that's what I used to like about Myspace, there weren't as many immature jerks on here as Friendster, but I guess once any site gets really big, it invites all kinds of people on it. BTW, we have outright racists and skinheads on here too. Don't worry about them, they're a dying ideology. In all the greatest writings about the future by the most intelligent and philosophical minds of humankind (which is a relative notion in and of itself--humankind? c'mon how pompous is that? anyhooz) there isn't an inkling of ideology that even comes close to racism.;)
Please don't forward to me any of those love chain letters. I shouldn't admit this but I'm sooooo stupid-stitious that I'll most likely end up fwd'ing them to however many number of people I'm required to! LOL!! I know those things NEVER come true, but who really wants to take that chance, huh?
"Okay, a little about me. I'm mixed African American (dad) and Cherokee/Japanese (mom). I have 8 siblings/brothers andsisters grew up as a "Tomboy" most of my life. I like simple things like laughing. Me and my brothers joke around w/each other alot. We're a very sarcastic family! Next to Japanese food, I love sushi and the only place I'll eat it is at Tsunami. I also love Chinese food but I'm not a big fan of Thai. My favorite European food would have to be Italian. I feel very lucky because for as much as I eat, I don't really gain any weight and almost and I love to work out.

Both of my parents are Democrats and I swing that way 99% of the time too. I hope you weren't too bored reading all this, cya *muah!* ...........
My Favorite Quote:
"Poverty in a democracy is far better than wealth in a tyranny."

- Democratis of Abdera Politics in America is based on how much money you have and how to get more, not representation by the people for the people. Today, I say that America is not democratic but ruled by tyrants in a land of wealth. Those tyrants are more commonly known as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Enron, & Fannie Mae (future Enron). BTW, unless you're on the board of directors, owning FNM stock will cost you a net loss in the future because national debts don't just disappear, we all end up paying for it. Fannie Mae raped US taxpayers for about $480M last year and the CEO skimmed off $36M for himself. Through legalized bribery, FNM may make even more this year (they ranked number 3 in highest campaign contributions).
Geeze......why do I even bother? If the average person is so complacent and/or stupid maybe Americans deserve to get ripped off by scheming corporate executives and greed-driven, corrupt politicians!@?........

My Interests

Do you accept genetic enhancement? By the time we have grandchildren, the mysteries of the human genome could be unlocked and open a whole world of possibilities for human kind or it could open up a Pandora's Box. Opponents of human genetic enhancement say we would be tampering with nature but that's wrong. Evolution isn't part of a grand scheme, it's just mistakes in our genome. Some mistakes bring out favorable phenotypes and some bring about unfavorable ones. With genetic enhancement, imagine the speed at which the human race could evolve! Genetic enhancement can benefit human kind on every level. Imagine that you or your wife is pregnant and you opt to take genetic prescreening tests to test for the over 5,000 diseases identifiable today before the fetus is even born. Currently, if the fetus shows positive for Down's Syndrome, most couples would abort. However, in the future, we may be able to go into the fetus and genetically correct that mistake in its DNA and allow it to develop into a healthy, normal human baby. This could also be done for blindness, deafness, and any number of illnesses and diseases that currently plague our race and society. I strongly feel that as parents and as members of the human race, it is IRRESPONSIBLE for us not to bear children that would benefit the human race. Many people are also opposed to genetic enhancement because they believe we will live in a world of vanilla babies. However, what's wrong with that? At least the playing field will finally be level for all of us! I'll admit, I have somewhat of an advantage in life because of the way I was born. People think I'm nicer, smarter, harder working, and even let me use expired coupons from time to time. I would give up all that for a more fair and just world because how can one conscionably revel in one's achievements in life when you were born with the upperhand? It's like winning the Gold medal in the Olympics because you were on steroids and everyone else wasn't. Just imagine a world where everyone is beautiful, then people like Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson would be out of a job, because people would actually need real talents and skills in their jobs instead of being hired just because they look good for the part. Genetic enhancement used in this way would not only level the playing field but also raise the bar of competition. There are so many benefits for human kind with this new technology, to learn more go here! Please know though, that I really do appreciate the diversity of intelligence and thought that we have in the world today. And it's because of that, that humans socially, not genetically, are also evolving and improving with each successive generation.

I'd like to meet:


As far as the kind of guys I go for, I hate the macho guy type--too arrogant and bullheaded for me. I'm not into those flashy clubby guys either, so what if you can get us in VIP--I thought the evolution of society meant moving AWAY from a caste system, not creating artificial and superficial ones??? Show me how you're educating people about the racism Americans have endured, that would impress me! I'm not into guys that showoff their jobs or money, that only works on gold-diggers, plus it's like a girl showing off her boobs (kinda like "I'll show you my plastic if you show me yours" type thing). I also don't like guys who automatically think they're smarter than girls just because they're conditioned from the status quo of overwhelming male dominance in our world, ie, no patronizing or condescending guys, please leave your ego's at the door! Oh and no stupid boys either, if you have the IQ of wood, make like a tree and leave. I'm not into wussy guys. By wussy, I mean.... I'm half-japanese and if you can't hold your own and think the food I eat is gross or weird, go find some other girl because I don't need guys like that. I like a guy with a sense of adventure and who loves to try new things, I also love walks on the beach with that special someone. I want a guy who's loyal, who will treat me like a gentleman should. My ex bf was the successful, all-American physician, JFK Jr.- lookin type. Okay, I'm through with that type, they're nice to look at and showoff to your girls but don't make the best choice for soulmates/Lifemates. I've learned my lesson...the hotter the guy is, the more opportunity he has to cheat on you and no matter what, it's just too much for most guys to resist, ie: Donald Trump, Kobe Bryant, Frank Gifford, Hugh Grant, etc.. all. These *lucky* guys were all married to beautiful, intelligent, successful women and they all cheated on them!Watch "Newlyweds" on MTV and see how insecure Jessica Simpson acts all the time being married to Nick Lachey! I'm not gonna be stupid and naive and say it would never happen to me, so I'm not taking any chances cuz I only wanna be married one time in my life. Maybe, I'm just too nice and trusting of a girl but why should we change who we are? My dad always taught me that "the world is what you make of it" and I'm going to stick to my values and whatever guy who can't appreciate that it's his loss. God, I just want a decent man with a cute, charming, warm, humble, & funny personality (sense of humor is important), and likes kids (I'm ready to get married and start a family). .............

" MY RENAISSANCE MAN.......... My Renaissance Man would be someone who is well-rounded and who has an eclectic combination of the best traits of all the cultures and races of humankind. If I could create my perfect guy, he'd be humble & wise like Master Yuen Wo-Ping, funny like Steve Martin, goofy & playful like Jackie Chan, deep & spiritual like Gandhi, smart like Albert Einstein, confident like Will Smith, sexy like Antonio Banderas, and have the looks of Keanu Reeves or Russell Wong. ^_- yummmmmie!! ............. Oh yea, I have this thing for BEAUTY MARKS, I loooove'em!!! On both guys and girls! The perfect spot for him to have one (1) would be just above the left part of his lips or if not, then (2) around the corner of his left eye. I don't know why I like them, it's a mystery to me. When I was little I used to use black pens and draw them on my face and try them in different positions...LOL, my parents would always wonder why their little girl was always drawing on her face! ......


I think it's as simple as that. We all would like to blame governments, institutions, doctrines, and faiths for everything that ails the world today. It's convenient to do so and it doesn't point fingers at anyone. It also doesn't change anything. Because behind these intangible forces of human nature are humans. But the majority of humans, once they've reached that certain age have left the scope of change. Our energies would be better spent if we focused on the human children. Human children learn how to be human adults through behavioral emulation. They segregate themselves into roles based upon example. More often than not, these examples are based on our bodies, whether we are fat or thin, Asian or Latin, tall or short...why is Tiger Woods associated more w/African Americans? It's because he looks more Black than Asian even though he's 50/50. Do you see it now? To have a perfect world, we need idealist adult humans, but where do we find perfectly ideal adult humans? I don't know, I'm not even sure if many of them exist. How will The Perfect World ever develop if there aren't any or only a few ideal humans to emulate? Humans whose thoughts and behaviors aren't defiled by the shells they're housed in.
Give children security.

That is how I plan to raise my children. Give them the security to embrace change and try new things. Change is a scary thing. That is the one aspect of human existence that transcends gender, age, race, religion, culture, and time. Yes, time. Too often, we live only in the now and forget about the past...not slavery and the past of our country, I'm talking about the past of humanity. When considering issues such as abortion, racism, or homosexuality...how many of us have thought, "hmmm, how would an ancient Macedonian feel about that?" Any human ideal that is *truly* ideal should hold its truth 1,000 years ago, as well as today, and 1,000 years well into the future...don't you think? I do. That's why I want to give my children security, because I'm not an ideal human and I don't want them to fear changing from the way they have been brought up and raised if they are exposed to a new and better way to think.
And that is why the Republican Party sucks. They do not embrace change. (and because they favor the wealthy, yada yada...) I hope you packed your sunblock because we're going to be living in hell for the next four years.
And that is also why haters should shut up when they criticize White people who "act Black" or White people who "act Asian" or Hispanics who "act White" or...well, you get the point. These people have overcome the behaviorally-based roles that society has segregated upon us because of the type of shell our minds and souls are contained in. Instead of hating them, you should hope to achieve the same someday. To be a Black that "acts White?" No.... To have a capacity of thought that extends beyond your shell.



Chappelle's Show (I love Dave, he tells it like it is!), The Wade Robson Project (go Michelle!!), Friends, Will & Grace, Smallville, American Idol, Fear Factor, DateLine, PrimeTime Live, 20/20, Smallville, South Park, BB4, SNL, Fear Factor, Punk'd, Newlyweds, Elimidate, Seinfeld, NOVA, those BBC documentaries on PBS, Cupid, Last Comic Standing (go Dat!), The Simpsons, anything on Travel Channel, Wild On!, MTV Cribs, 106 & Park


I don't read books much anymore, the INTERNET is my book! ;) Things that make you go hmmmm:

-look at Iraq, people can't be bombed into subjugation. But they can be brainwashed into it. This is where art comes in. -those that are afraid to have faith mock those who do

-those who have the courage to believe are mocked by those who don't

-if you are positive and believe in the natural goodness of humankind, the disapproved shall come to you for fear that it is true.

-never forget the moments in your life when you feel like you can do anything, for if you do, your life will amount to nothing

-what if it was published in all the media tomorrow that heaven (or afterlife) has scientifically been proven to exist, how would you live your life differently?

-what if heaven (or afterlife) was scientifically proven to not exist, would you still live your life the same? -DOUBLE STANDARDS: How can guys say that they'll never date an ugly girl NOT come off as shallow, superficial jerks BUT when a girl says that she'll never date a poor guy, she comes off as a gold-digger? -What's more shallow? Dating for LOOKS or dating for MONEY? I think dating for looks is WAY more shallow than dating for money. To have looks, all you have to do is be born but to have money, it takes planning, ambition, discipline, and hard work. So, I think guys who say they'll never date an ugly girl are definitely more shallow than girls who say they'll never date a poor guy.
-So, ladies, if poor guys are not for you, say it and be proud! Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about it either because if they don't date ugly girls, they're no better than you are and, in fact, they're even more shallow than we are for doing that!

WHY SEXISM & RACISM IS SO BAD FOR HUMANITY (not the obvious answer):

-My belief as to why sexism and racism are so bad isn't the most obvious answer but it's probably one of the simplest, so this should be easy. As humans, we're screwed . We're messing up this planet more than you realize and I'm as guilty as the next person because of the lifestyle we're all accustomed to and selling to the rest of the planet. How many more generations of humans living the Western lifestyle can this planet sustain? I don't know. But, I do know that one or two or eight or 263 of us out there have the answer to humanity's problems, who are they? Heck if I know! And heck if you know either. Such is the case, every single human being on this planet *absolutely* needs to feel like she or he has the potential within her/himself to come up with the answers to humanity's problems. It's a numbers game, all about statistics, simple as that. The higher the practice of sexism and racism, the lower the odds of that/those special someone(s) coming to fruition. That's why I'm also kind of against abortion. I'm so afraid that we've already killed our next Galileo or Einstein.
I still believe there is (as yet to be discovered) a set of core, divine human values that do hold true quantifiably and throughout the test of time. I've been reading a lot this year about Democritus of Abdera and his tenants on society. It's amazing what he came up with and much of it still makes sense today (he lived in the age before Common Era). He's just an example of what the human mind can think up. Although, he did live the life of the aristocracy. That's why I think we really need to come up with and apply some sort of universally divine belief so that EVERYONE on this Earth can live such a life because it's all about mental freedom. Racism, sexism, any kind of social -ism serve only as mental chains to hold back human minds from free-forming and abstract thought. If 1 human was able to come up with such profound ideas 2, 464 years ago, imagine what 6 billion humans could come up with today? Everyone of every nation, race, culture, and creed: I am pleading with you, we need to do this to save the human race or else we will die by our own hands and no other.

The afterlife:

Do you think that afterlife exists? Before you answer that, let me ask you another question....do you believe in alien civilizations? What do you think an alien civilization might be like? This is harder to do than you think because you have to remove ALL THE HUMAN AND EARTH-CENTRIC BIAS that you have learned up to this point in your life...that is quite a lot of built up bias! Okay, now, do you think that alien civilizations would share a similar belief in the afterlife? So, if the belief of an afterlife is as universal as laws of physics and theorems of mathematics, will you see aliens' souls when you die? What if they *didn't* believe in an afterlife? Wouldn't that completely invalidate this whole world-wide, centuries-old belief of an afterlife? How could something so universal exist for one self-aware, intelligent civilization and not another? I have to believe though, it's too depressing to not.

What do you think is the best thing about being human?

I think the best thing about being human is abstract thought. Pretty much every other aspect of our daily lives is similar to other organisms on this planet, ie, we eat, sleep, reproduce, build homes, interact in social groups, etc, etc. Dolphins are supposed to be pretty smart right? Well, do you think they ever sit around and talk to each other asking, "Hey, I wonder if those humans sit around and talk to each other asking if we sit around and talk to each other asking if they..." hehehehe! Ya followin' meeeeh!? (^_^)

There's another thing that I just thought about, too. Some people might be thinking that "love" is an emotion reserved only for humans but I saw on a PBS documentary one time that elephants have been observed "to cry" when a member of their herd dies...pretty interesting huh? I've also heard the same about gorillas. Now, "falling in love" is a whole other issue. I don't think scientists know if elephants or gorillas are able to "fall in love" but that's only because we don't know how to talk to them.

Another thing that's neat about being human is that we tell stories to each other. We tell stories of our lives and we make up stories of the lives we want to lead. I don't think scientists have observed any other organisms exhibiting that type of behavior. If they have, I haven't seen it on PBS....yet.

Humans aren't the only animals that lie though. My cousin's dog lied to her once. He lives indoors w/her and her hubby and he sits by the front door every time he needs to go pee. One time, he sat there and she took him out. He got in the position to pee and it looked like he was trying to but he was faking it, nothing came out and he only wanted to go outside to play! He actually lied to her about having to pee!

Do you ever think about how lucky you are to be born a human being? We have such foundationally powerful, intellectual, abstractly creative, and emotional tools given to us as a part of our existence in this universe. What are you doing with what was given to you?

Human Society Will Lead To Self-Extinction:

Why? It's simple, one word: GREED

May ask I you what you think is the foundation of modern society? Most would answer individual liberty and capitalism. When you combine the two, what do you get? GREED. The reason why society is going to collapse is because GREED prevents us from designing a type of society that conforms to the laws of self-sustaining perpetuation. In other words, we replenish as much resources as we use if not more. However, I think most people in society have this strange idea that we have tons of resources or they'll be dead by the time they have to worry about it and so they end up wastefully burning up our fixed resources at a dangerous rate. And by RESOURCES, I don't mean your traditional idea of what resources are, no, I mean EVERY LIVING SYSTEM on Earth is in decline and EVERY LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM of Earth is in decline and these two things make up the biosphere. Our biosphere is shrinking! Not only will we die off but we're going to take 30 million living species of organisms on this planet with us.

Some people say that they wish they were born in the future because it's going to be so great w/all the new inventions...well, at the rate that we're recklessly burning up our resources, I wouldn't count on that. We are plundering resources from the biosphere and someday in the future, it will be illegal to do that. Just ask Ray Anderson ( CEO of Interface ) about that.

How Open-Mindedness Encourages Technological Advance in Society:

I was watching "Bicentennial Man" on TV the other night (again btw, it's such a great love story) and I never realized that in order for our technological to grow and advance, our society needs to be open-minded and "into" technology. If there isn't a perceived market for new technological breakthroughs, then corporations won't spend millions on R&D. It seems like old people are so resistant to change and new things. That's truly unfortunate because their attitudes hold back the breakthroughs that would give their children better lives than their own. Isn't that the most basic of all parental attitudes?

One thing I would like to see never change though, is the attitude that embraces change.


Life is what you make of it. That's what our dad always taught us. Please don't be apathetic because when the majority of society becomes complacent, it's the malevolent that'll end up shaping our world, molding it into one that will benefit those sharing their same malevolent ideology. I feel fairly sure and strong of who I am and what my values are and I'm quite certain I'll be passing these traits onto my children. That's why I'm trying to make sure that the future will hold a world where their beliefs will be held with mutually received openness and respect and not squashed and incinerated because it doesn't fit the hard line of the status quo as during the Nazi Era in Europe.


Jesus Christ and My Loving Family

He is the EPITOME of humble kindness. I saw a documentary on PBS and I am ashamed that American schools leave him out when teaching our children about the Holocaust.
This man is my hero. You should already know his name so there's no need for me to be redundant. I truly admire him because he teaches us to overpower our enemies with L ~ O ~ V ~ E. I can't really remember what his exact words were but I trust that if you are still reading this at this very moment then it must hold some kind of interest with you and, therefore, you must be a person of some intellectual capacity so I trust that you can find it without my help on Yahoo (i.e., dumb people would be wondering why I have a picture of Michael Jackson up there). I've encountered many situations in my life where I could have and perhaps should have overpowered those who hated me with love but I'm not there yet. I consider myself still pretty weak spiritually (not in the religious sense but in the existential sense) and I have a long ways to go since my standards are based on his. After watching the movie, "Love Actually," it made me feel so good and strong inside that after I left the theater, it was amazing. I actually felt enough love inside to give me the strength to overpower my enemies with love. If you're on my friends list, then you've probably read my many bulletins promoting this movie. Now, you know why. But, belief and practice are two entirely different things. Maybe, it's like love, it doesn't really exist until you show it. So, the next time someone hates on me, hopefully, I'll be able to practice what I believe and I'll be a step closer to walking in his shoes.
Oh, some loser girlfriendless guys were hating on me in *my own personal xanga!* (boohoo, do ppl have no sense of propreity these days?) NEhooz, I went off on them, I guess that day won't be coming anytime soon! (^_^)
He is perhaps one of the brightest minds of the 21st century. I don't like reading books much, but a friend gave me his books on audio CD and wowwow!!
I just like him because I think he's really smart! (^_^) I've seen Contact and I loved that movie! I also love his Cosmos series on DVD. Really cool stuff if you want to learn about life and the universe. It's also great for when you wanna trick people into thinking you're a smartie pants! I dunno about most of you, but I have a hard time remembering what I read from a book but remembering things I see on Tv is a breeze! Actually, I think it's true w/most people, TV is probably the BEST way to rewire a human being, don't believe me? Then, ask yourself, why is television advertising a MEGA-BILLION dollar industry? Those companies must be suckers for wanting to that much pay for TV ads, huh?
Okay, I'm not Buddhist, but from what I know about it, their way of thinking makes a lot of sense. BTW, since when did the Swastika become a symbol of hate?
Is this a Nazi training facility? Gotcha, it's a Buddhist church in Korea. Which came first, Nazism or Buddhism? Hmm, what if we reclaimed the Swastika and its symbolism from the hate that it is known for today? Humans are such iconistic creatures, I mean look at how logos have littered our landscapes and I don't mean the streets of the good 'ol USA either, take a look back at the archeology of Egypt, Rome, Greece, and even China. It's a human crux and dependency that transcends the evolution of civilizations. So, what if we took the hateful symbolism behind the Swastika away and replaced it with something else? What if in 100 years, our descendants would look upon the Swastika and interpret it as a symbol of love/peace/balance? Welps, if it's gonna take a hundred years, we better get started on changing its image now! (^_^)
A lot of people have asked, so I'll just mention it here to save you the trouble of having to ask; that Chinese character in the middle of the swaztika means, "tolerance."

My Blog

Stoned to death

I think I promised a little while ago not to start any more blogs with some pointless soul-deadeningly dull story about my childhood. I know it's really hard to type with your fingers crossed. There's...
Posted by Raineydays on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:31:00 PST