You kill for
That is because you have lost something or
someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem
to get over the loss that marked your soul, and
the only solution is to go after the one person
who brought all this pain to you. Chances are
you are angry inside and you bottle everything
up and don't talk to anyone about it. People
may want to help, but you think that they can
never understand your pain and only get
frustrated because of this. But it is important
to see all that you have left and be thankful
of that even if you have lost something great.
It may not be true that Times heals all wounds,
but with time and talking about your feelings,
maybe the hurt will ease.
Main weapon: Yourself
Quote: "You can close your eyes to
reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J.
Facial expression: Gritted teeth and
teary eyes
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True Romance.......resivor dogs( is my fav) seymore butts long as there is fine men's sex and blood i'll watch it.
ADULT SWIM! I LOVE YOU MEAT WAD!compliments of dzyne!
Acid House
Grizz.... Tiffzoola i'm so proud of her! guy and all the bad ass artist out there...and gill montie (he's the shit!)