Scared In The Dark profile picture

Scared In The Dark

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

.. ...Always in the Moon.... [sometimes more beautiful than Earth]
Thinking that page is just what I am, diffenrent faces, pics and informations..if you want to know me, or who I became: ALL IS HERE.

Woman , 25 y.o... no 26 (!), nurse, living in France, in loved with Neo 6 y.o, trying to describe herself... So, I could say I love my job, i use to be happy, i'm passionate on medicine sciences, ophtalmology, my home, i'm out of mode not a particulary style but always feminine...

Looking for peace and tranquility, confirmed insomniac, like to joke and go out with friends and family, concerts and (free) parties; KitKat ball's addict and to a lot of acid drops also... Drugs'experimenter repentant..I like see live acts and when these are well made: dance, dance and dance again..

Try to get positiv waves to people (even if it doesn't work each time..!),I like taste good wines (frenchies like red wine...), eat eat and always eat something... But I'm far to be glued on the TV screen..

I defend animals, Brigitte Bardot's friend, ..if you killed your hamster in a microwave..don't add me in your friends please... Also if you wear a furcoat! uggly. A friend of mine is telling me three words to describe me..: " Mad , Talkative, and Lovable" (thanx Gaelle..cute).

According to me, Music is an "from-all-influenced-world" : my ears have not rather staying in a single way.. they like every sounds that make me moove or close my eyes.. old rock,soul, house, tech , hard tech, hard core, popular, old disco ,raggae , slam , pop rock , metal , breakbeat , etc...

I never couldn't drink anything with one anise's molecule (remembers of an uggly night in front of a W.C's pan...), I like champagne (better with......?), meet people... Try to stay cool in every situations...

Absent-minded person, forgetful, distractiv..I try to treat it with numerous processing solutions...But I leave it now to God but everytime I called him, he was offline. That's ok now, you know me (maybe better than my dad now ).

Bye and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your life.Nice to meet you.


------------- SISTER AND ME, 21 JUIN 2007--------------- ..
-Photo by Alexandre-

My Interests

Membre depuis le: 29/05/2007

Affichages : 14675

- Bienvenue aux amis, visiteurs étrangers et autres crevards qui font vivre cette page!

..Music, Travels, Nature/animals, Fuckin' good gigs, Sun, Shining happy people, Net, ...yes shopping...(shoezzz)! And Medicine/Biology..

Ophtalmologic surgery..
[If you find a chewing gum on your fur could be from me but I just fuck you.]

I'd like to meet:

God to ask him any questions..... An alien.. Bill Gates to ask him a favor.. Edward Norton.. Pablo escobar for an international economic lesson.. And one people I would never meet at my window..


- qu'on mette des grains de sucre ou des chips dans mon lit;

- me réveiller avec un kit kat ball dans la main et la télé allumée;

- ouvrir mon coffre et que des gouttes d'eau me tombent dans le cou;

- qu'un voyant s'allume sur mon tableau de bord (meme le frein à main, ça me fait toujours un haut-le-coeur) ;

- arriver au boulot avec un bas troué ou un talon dans la main;

- qu'une femme bien intentionnée s'exclame "mais t'as pas froid habillée comme ça par ce temps?" JALOUSE!;

- sortir les poubelles;

- les messages vocaux (-messagerie saturée);

- les demandes en mariage du Maghreb sur le net;

- sortir un tampax de mon sac pour signer un chèque..

- les lettres recommandées;

- servir de masse au circuit électrique de ma cafetière;

- avoir faim (mais je m'y suis faite vu que cet état représente 70% de mes journées);

- les gens gris qui ont toute la misère du monde sur le dos+++.

- quand je râle (j'arrive pas m'arréter!)



.... In disorder: Red hot chili peppers , Incubus , Hed (pe), M , Limp bizkit , Metallica , Turbonegro , Slipknot (don't abuse) , Depeche Mode , U2 , B.Alone , Babyshambles , System of a down , P.O.D , Crazy Town, Smashing Pumpkins , Rise against , Social Distortion , Rage against the Machine , Punish Yourself , Deftones , BlAcK BomB.A , The Hellacopters , Queens of the stone age , Evergreen T. , P.Paul , The Pixies , Dagoba , Fed up , Nirvana , Silverchair , Elvis P , Celtic Bones , RadioHead, Nine Inch Nails , Rise Against , R.E.M , The addicts , Mötley crue , Jimmy Hendrix , Bob Dylan , The doors , Ben Harper , Noir Desir , Béruriers Noirs , Ludwig Von 88 , Carmina burana , XVision, Garbage , K'S Choice, Bjork , Phil Collins (as a drummer) , B.Alone , Buddha bar/Saint Germain , Asian Dub Foundation , the Neptunes N*E*R*D , Air , Daft Punk , The Prodigy , Felix da Housecat , Massive Attack , Dead can Dance , Chemical Brothers , Fat Boy Slim , MSD , Ixindamix , Suburbass , Troubles fetes (pour la fete) , Beuns , Bassstar (but one is absolutly mad) , Too many DJs , David Green , Woody Mac Bride , Lenny Dee, Laurent Ho and Garnier too , Tonio , Lunatic Asylium , Jeff Mills , Colin Dale , Madonna , Gwen Stefani , Les tetes raides , JAVA , Roudoudou , Yann Tiersen , Mano Negra/Manu Chao , Blur/ Gorillaz..and african, indian sounds , and more i'll wonder...

Chantal Goya, Anne, Doushka, Corbier si l'on remonte a plus loin.


Hostel / Creep / Blow / C'est arrive pres de chez vous / Pere Noel est une ordure / la vie est belle..


..Horror / comic / war / true nice storiesPrison Break / Desperate House Wife / Creepshow / Informations / geographic/animal magazines ............


..l'Alchimiste, Boris Vian (j'irai cracher sur vos tombes...), les bouquins d'interprétation des réves, "une Vie" de Maupassant, Ionesco, les Science et Vie sur l'anthropologie, la recherche, les médocs, la nano technologie, les stephen kings (des petits bijoux..) et "l'Entrevue" aussi..pleins de conneries certes.


..Neo Wonderwoman Les freres Lumieres Martin Luther King Jean Paul Gauthier! Buddha Edward Norton Salvador Dali Pasteur Aubade production My Father/My Motherla PETA

(pas forcement vrai mais y a de l'idee..!)

-la video est trop gore...mais si les simples photos peuvent convaincre...-

...(but beat his wife is allowed..) Fucking guy but all my respect to his fight for animals