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Munchkins....and Enemas

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorHello to all who visit my boring lil page. I'm just here to try something new,Don't have many friends my age..they are usually to tired to go dancing or just lost the desire to stay young. I personally enjoy going out and having a few drinks. Not really into the hip hop scene or anything remotely close to it I prefer rock of all eras I enjoy retro 80's music. So if you need someone to hang with send me a note.

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Fat Lady

My Interests

My interest are many .. They range from Hanging with Jose Cuervo to beating a man into submission.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people within my age range who still have the energy to go out and have a good time. Thats it ...I'm a simple woman.
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David Bowie Led Zeppelin Metallica Slayer Stryper Black Sabbath Def Leppard Pink Floyd Queensryche Johnny Cash Roddy Peter, Paul and Mary Motley Crew Poison Whitesnake Bon Jovi Bruce Springstenn John Couger (Mellencamp) The Who The Doors The Eagles Chicago Aerosmith Deep Purple Jimi Hendrix The Monkees The Beatles


I've come to the conclusion that Vanessa Del Rio is the greatest actress I am happy to say that anything with her in it is worth seeing.


Blood .Guts.Sex Drugs and Alcohol..(not always in that order.)


My first book ...Little Wandas Sex Education....followed by Hustler.Magazine...and then I discovered Steven King.


My hero is my daughter.She worked hard for her grades and it paid off. I am proud to say that I have produced a High School graduate in this time and age. She struggled with her own fears and with mine and she was able to conquer many obstacles life threw at her.

My Blog

My Granny

Tonite makes it 6yrs. since I have been able to enjoy the company of my Grand Mother. The following may sound cheesy to some of you..but thats's my cheese.To anyone who has had good relation...
Posted by Maritza on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:14:00 PST

Our Kinky world

Been a long time since I blogged, but after this past Tuesday night I had to. It's been ages since I've gone out and man have I been missing out. Here I am @ Ottos and had the pleasure of being greete...
Posted by Maritza on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:29:00 PST

The Junkie on the train

Today I witnessed the most horrific thing on the train. I was minding my buisness when along comes this Black Woman, short, thin ,dreaded hair, and tracks on her arms. She stepped into the train car, ...
Posted by Maritza on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

The Kiss My Ass Blog.

Been a long time since I blogged but I  have been busy getting myself employed and well, been doing some soul searching, and I have come to the conclusion that sometimes the best thing to do is l...
Posted by Maritza on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:09:00 PST


Life, it has dealt so many a fucked up hand but what can you do? Nothing. I have come to learn that sometimes it is not worth the time and effort. It is a difficult thing being  patient and toler...
Posted by Maritza on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:59:00 PST

Haterade Blog

Why are certain people so fucking sure I will just sit and let them run shit on me? Really It is kinda funny and idiotic of them to think such a thing. If you read this blog and it touches a nerve the...
Posted by Maritza on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:57:00 PST

Ye' old Batcave

So tonite I had an amazing time. Hung out with some very cool Ladies. For some reason  my lady boss who'll name "syren" attempted to get me drunk...guess what? There's a reason why she's Lady bos...
Posted by Maritza on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 04:18:00 PST

On my 39th B-day I want ...

So, here I am working my as off and wanting to be in my bed. As I cruised craiglist for nekkid pics of hansome men I came to the realization that I am going to be 39 soon. I know most of you think tha...
Posted by Maritza on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 06:02:00 PST

Dirty lil' Blog

Today, I was lucky enough to stand and watch and chat as a very good looking young couple had sex. I was like , Hey there," I'm here to get the lighter you borrowed"(wink wink) So there they were beau...
Posted by Maritza on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:19:00 PST

Dirty lil' Blog

Today, I was lucky enough to stand and watch and chat as a very good looking young couple had sex. I was like , Hey there," I'm here to get the lighter you borrowed"(wink wink) So there they were beau...
Posted by Maritza on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:20:00 PST