Right now i'm so all about my life being as full as it can be. Im all over networking again and tapping into my deeper taste buds. I'm loving wines and cheeses and truffles. Going to badass Scion events and free concerts at Wharehouse Live. Im always going to enjoy reading and writing and spending time with loved ones, one in particular. I enjoy going to work, the jobs I have are pretty fun and im just filling my time and life with rich experiences.
Anyone that is positive and has a grip on themselves and their life. Anyone who loves what they do and does what they love. A good friend is a gift for the soul.%D%A
Hip Hop-all the good stuff, none of it is being played on the radio in case you have no clue what i mean by the good stuff. I love indie rock and alternative music anything progressive basically. Example: HISD "The District" go pick that up if you don't have it!!!!!
How can anyone choose, im a film buff so we will be here all day.
Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Robot Chicken, The O.C VH1 Garbage(love it like fast food) E Garbage, MTV Garbage
The bible, Ever After, Satin DOll, DreamMaker, The Glass Castle, ALL HARRY POTTER!!!!!!