God Bless you and thank-you for checking out our space here on MySpace.com. We are a new type of search site that is catered to the faithful. We understand that children today are at a greater risk to be exposed to things that they don't need to see because of the internet. With that said, this is the reason we came up with GoodChristianValues.com. It is a filtered christian search directory with links to shopping, e-mail accts., e-books about the Lord and maintaining your faith in these trying times that we live in. Find a better place to search the web and feel safe from inappropriate materials at GoodChristianValues.com .
A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the Christian Children's Fund, the Salvation Army and the American Association of Kidney Patients. Please help us to help those in need. God will bless you for your charity and you will make this idea "cool" to the youth. GoodChristianValues.com