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About Me

JINTALA is a world traveler originally from France, Auteur, Interprete, Compote Maker. After 21 countries & plus, in her legs and soul, she explored different music styles. She plays guitar and piano. Writes lyrics and sings. She followed from 6 years old to 12 years Le Conservatoire de Musique de Lyon. She studied two years the teaching of the Japanese Butoh dance starting after Hiroshima inspired by Kazuo Ohno and Sandra Soto and continues practising.Starting in France, solo then in Bristol with David Felce, guitarist (Guy Chadwick (House of Love) - Jazz Butcher). Later with a Trip-Hop feel and played at the Bristol Flyer for the Poetic Night. Did back vocals at the studio of Portishead for bands like Airbus. She is mentioned in the book of Rupert Mould: "Rebel Radio Diary" (in the series La Pense Rebelde), himself chef d'orchestre du groupe "Up, Bustle and Out" . Bivouac in Toulouse at the Studio "La Vache sous les Marroniers" (http://www.myspace.com/studiolavache) where she recorded 4 songs. Then in California, Santa Cruz, explored personal songs with Craiger from the band Depth Charge Revolt (http://myspace.com/depthchargerevolt or http://depthchargerevolt.com or myspace.com and Eric Swanson (her husband). In Thailand, played for locals with band from Australia, .... bivouac in France at the Studio "Le studio du moulin" (www.studio-du-moulin.com) avec l'aide de Jerome Cotte et Angela Veliz (www.artweb.fr.st) for some French songs like the title "Alien". Then in Mexico started spontaneous recording with Pako Rosas and Cesar Urbina (http://www.myspace.com/flightattendants ) and (http://www.myspace.com/cubenx) from the Radio Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico and Eric Swanson.Her Music is a Soft Twisted Sensual Melancholy, a powerful French World Pop with a Fresh Zen Touch."La danse du butoh, c'est tout d'abord un minimalisme abrupte, ausquel des textures offrent une atmosphere et fondation dans lesquelles les pieds s'ancrent dans la terre tout en prenant par avec le Cosmos. Puis, c'est une Ode a l'alegresse de la Vie qui se transforme en une trance finale, chargee de mystere" Valerie Parmentier.Her current goal is to be signed and collaborate with new musicians. Consequently she is also interested in doing only recording projects.HER DREAM : Sing "Summer Time" like Ella Fitzgerald, mixed with "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" from the Sex Pistols, refined with the background of an Asian Flute and a distorted Gong a la Philip Glass style, all this mixed by Underworld.

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Member Since: 5/19/2007
Band Website: The aim of life is to live divinely aware. Miller
Band Members: Valerie Parmentier (songwriter - leadsinger - guitar/piano - France)- Eric Swanson (guitar -(her husband)) (California) - Leanne Greenberg (Piano- back vocals - CA) - Mark Faulkner (guitar - CA) -David Felce (UK)- Craig Prentice (California)- Angela Veliz (France) - Pako Rosas (Mexico) - Cesar Urbina (Mexico) - Laurent Chignier (France)
Influences: From the creation of the first sound that the planet made, to the cries, whispers, singing and dancing of its people.Victor Hugo: "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."@ la bonita Kinky Vali Channel
Sounds Like: Edith Piaf, Luis Mariano, Nat King Cole, Velvet Underground, The Bauhaus, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, FREUR (Underworld), Mozart, Passion Fodder, Psychedelic Furs, Dead Can Dance, Mazzy Star, Long fin Killy, PJ Harvey, Kruder Dorfmeister, Up Bustle out Out, Radiohead, ...
Record Label: Auto Production Vali Moon Kinky
Type of Label: None