Ever feel like u were from another place and time??? I do, and I have dreams of the places and times... No really.....
OOOOoOh .......Lots of people I'm very sociable and I love to have friends around me. Kinda of a flirt too. It's all good. Old people need a hobby ;)
I love music, don't have a favorite wouldn't be fair now would it? Everyone should enjoy it.
Horror, horror and horror all in that order. All kinds, all though there are some that are exceptions. black and white zombie movies freak me out. Let's not forget the Lord of the Rings 1,2 and 3 oh yeah!(by the the way I have seen all three 50 times each while I was recovering from my ACL replacement.
The sci-fi channel, chiller, A&E and yeah bio, can't help it. Sometimes it doesn't really matter. The news freaks me out and gives me the worst nightmares. Yeah I can read about it ,so I don't have to watch it.
I read Laurell K. Hamilton, she knows how to get you into the lives of her characters, one day we might see her vision come true, ooooh scary but fun. Lots of scary sexy fun!!!!!And it is down right scary that my fav is a penguin.....If i could have them I would trade in my cats....not! So I collect stuffed and glass ones.
[1948-2000]If she still walked on this earth it would be my Mother Gloria Diane. She was a pistol. I think of her always, not a day goes by that I don't. [Into The West] by Annie Lennox. My dreams of where you are now.