"the legend of MAXIMUM BUZZ!! began with a man by the name of Max Buzzwell. a man whose love of drugs, liquor and fighting was tantamount only to his love of raw, energetic punk rock music. at the age of 27 and on his deathbed, he called a few dudes who knew how to play some instruments and told them his life story. with his dying breath he requested that those very dudes form a punk rock band in his memory. thus, MAXIMUM BUZZ!! was born. the spirit of Max Buzzwell can be heard in every recording or seen in thier live shows. they are known to have been banned from places, insulted, assaulted and yet loved by many. MAXIMUM BUZZ!! is quite possibly the single greatest drunk punk in history! they suck so awesome that it orgasmically hurts. FUCK THAT SHIT I DONT WANNA QUIT CUZ I LOVE MAXIMUM BUZZ!!"
- gg allin