These are a few of my favorite things: Comic books, Movies, Stand up comedy and Boobs. Oh and did I mention Boobs?
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I love the 80's! New Wave, Metal, Rap, all of it. Nowadays I mostly listen to Alternative Rock and even Neil Diamond.
All Kevin Smith movies as well as Quentin Tarantino, these men can do no wrong in my eyes. As for the old school stuff we can't forget John Hughes work. Superbad was wonderful and Shoot 'em Up was just all kinds of fun. Honestly there's just too many. I am what you call a movie buff and I love the movies, especially now that Marvel Comics is pretty much "the well" for most upcoming movies. (and I love them all, I don't care how bad everybody thinks they are.
I have one annnnd I watch the motherfucker
X-Men baby! Comic books are my bag.
Kevin Smith is my Hero