I'd like to meet:
1986Dr. Lucien Sanchez
Thornton ReedDr. Rick Dagless M.D.
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U2, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, G-n-R, Pearl Jam, The Killers, REM, INXS
Vacation, Roadtrip, American Pie, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Star Wars Trilogy, any Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, 80’s movies like Back to the Future, Porky's, Police Academy, Brat Pack movies, Stand by Me, Rambo(s), HULK, Superman, X-Men, Batman, Halloween and it's sequels, The Friday the 13th movies, Nightmare of Elm streets, The Exorcist, Childs PlayThose who brought PATULA to life!!www.emptywalletpro.com
I like to sit back with a cold one (or without a cold one) and watch shows like Seinfield, Simpsons and Sopranos, CSI, That 70's Show, Hockey, baseball, basketball or football, shows about ghosts, haunted houses and UFO’s. Anyways enough rambling, I hope you got the point!
As far as books go I am really not into sitting down and reading a book – I’ll check it out when it’s made into a movie. I am too much of a "Get Up & Go" person. I read the paper everyday and the occasional magazine. Did I actually just type "Get Up & Go" person, Jesus!
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